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Steps Forward in Discipleship

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Why does Cloverdale Baptist Church Exist?  We could have a lot of answers to this, but ultimately we EXIST TO GLORIFY GOD.  This means that we are seeking to be people who display how great He has revealed Himself to be in His Word by how we live our lives, how we love one another, how we share the Gospel.  

To seek God's Glory, means that we are those who know how great He is, and live our lives in His presence, empowered by His Spirit in way that shows we treasure Him above all things.  

None of us do this as we should, for all of us are still in the battle against the flesh, the devil and the world.  Therefore one of the key ways we accomplish our mission to glorify God as a church  is to be in the disciple making process.  Our goal as disciples is conformity to Christ, to be growing in every area of our lives to obey His Word.  We do this by preaching God's Word, pursuing Him personally, and ensuring all of our programs are moving us in this direction of deeper, wider impact.

So, how can we together accomplish this mission of bringing glory to God through a strategic pursuit of disciple making?

1.  Know our mission, and then if we have each person personally pursue a deeper walk with God through studying His Word, praying, committing to our community, and being Gospel saturated we will be a better church as God defines it immediately.  Your desire to be more like Jesus that translates into a disciplined pursuit of God is essential!  We need you to long for a first love devotion that is ever growing for us to succeed.

2.  Join us in our strategic programming.  Make your commitment to community deep and on display.  Encourage one another daily, come to Sunday mornings having prayed and pursued God already and join us in hearing God's Word and seeking to apply it.  Look for people to love and encourage and display your loyalty to God by your loyalty to His Bride.  Then find a place to grow and to glow.  To serve others with joy and to join others in growing!

3.  Commit to a growth group, and love one another deeper their.  If you haven't found one yet, talk to Pastor Les and we will find a place for you!

4.  Come Sunday Mornings at 9:00 and get involved in Sunday School and Explore.  All our parents should take advantage of our excellent Sunday School program so that their children can have deep roots, but it is not just for them!  We have great classes for the entire church family, EXPLORE is a fantastic way to grow in your faith, and if your not signed up for explore, join me in a class on THE TOP 10 ISSUES FACING NORTH AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY.  I know it is an hour earlier, but it is worth it to deepen our faith and broaden our impact.

5.  PRAY!  Pray for for your own heart for God and for others that God brings to mind.  Pray for your elders and deacons, and pray through our directory.  If we saturate our church in prayer we will do far more then our potential and can more effectively glorify God!

Okay there is much more, so stay tuned, but those five are a good start.  We must be MAKING DISCIPLES if we want to glorify God, so join us for the local church is the heart of God's plan to impact His world.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Body Life:  Essential For Health
Text:  Ephesians 4:11-16

  • Why is the church so important to the plan of God?
  • How come in our generation we see so many disloyal to the local church?
  • How can we as God's people at CBC value our local church the same way God does?

God's plan is to use each part of His body (every member) to build His church, what can you do to help us be effective as a church in light of this?

As God's workmanship, how will you engage in the coming year in helping us to be the church Jesus wants us to be?

Thank you for serving the BRIDE of Jesus as displayed at Cloverdale Baptist Church, with me.

We love Him, by loving her!

It is a joy to be His, and formed as individuals in Christ for such a time as this

Your Servant, For Him,
Pastor Rob