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Danger: Thanksgiving Matters

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Happy Thanksgiving Week:

What a great reminder for us that we are to be a THANKFUL PEOPLE as those who have experienced the Gospel.

This is not easy in a victim oriented culture, and will take an experience of the Gospel as well as a disciplined mind to live life as an overflow of Gospel realities.  We of all people should be MOST THANKFUL!

It is interesting as we study God’s Word that not being thankful is one of the root causes of chaotic thinking (that and not glorifying God in Romans 1).  It is dangerous not to be thankful!

Dangerous in that it will confuse our minds and could lead to anxiety or depression.  Dangerous in that it could lead to bitterness and division.  Dangerous in that it is disobedience to God and His Word, which commands us to be thankful always!  Dangerous in that it hurts those around us we influences.  DANGER DANGER!

So what have we to be thankful for?  Thanksgiving is both an overflow of a loved heart, and a discipline in the midst of a chaotic world…and thanksgiving is contagious!  All of us are to be thankful in all circumstances (Philippians 4:4-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

The Bible almost always has the core of thanksgiving an experience of the Gospel, a knowing of the goodness of God, and rest in His powerful love.  If we are truly a Gospel oriented people we will be a THANKFUL PEOPLE!  As with most of the Christian life, Gospel Orientation is key to obedience and joy! 

If we understand in the midst of the world we live in what we deserve and the privilege God has given us by grace through faith, then we will be thankful people always.  There is also a discipline to look for things to be thankful for and to seek to start every day in thanksgiving, to build this into our lives. 

What are three things that you are thankful for today? 

Share them with your sphere of influence, and invite them with you into the discipline and delight of THANKFUL LIVING.


Our kick off this year has as its focus, ENGAGE, and we want to be engaged with God, His people and His mission.  How are you doing on this?

How are you growing your passion for a biblical view of God?

What are you doing to make sure you are Gospel Oriented, and a living sacrifice as an overflow of that?

How are you making sure your mind is not conformed to the world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind? 

How are you displaying your love for Jesus body, and serving her with your gifts?

If we all engage the way the Bible commands, we will all benefit!  In fact we will become contagious, courageous and caring!  Please help us become all that God desires by ENGAGING!

You matter to God, and His plan in this world!  Walk as His WORK OF ART in the GOOD WORKS He has prepared in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:1-10).

Thankful for God’s grace, God’s call on my life to serve His bride, and God’s provision of a family that loves Him and me…SO THANKFUL for so much more, so join me this week and way beyond in being THANKFUL!

Pastor Rob

Sunday Is Coming:  THANKSGIVING:


Text:  Romans 1:16-32

  • Why is it dangerous to not be THANKFUL?
  • What do thanksgiving and giving glory to God have to do with one another?  Why are they essential in a culture that has gone mad?
  • Why do you think God places them as the key to not being chaotic in our thinking?
  • What are some things you are thankful for?
  • How can you share those things with others in your sphere of influence and help us to build a culture of thanksgiving?

It is good to prepare your heart to give and receive on Sunday Mornings.  The better prepared you are the fuller your authentic worship will become.



Thanksgiving Offering

The 2023 Thanksgiving offering will be in support of the Langley Food Bank and will remain open until October 31st, 2023. Please mark your envelopes or electronic gifts accordingly.

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Oct 22nd / During Service If you would like to be baptized, please talk to one of our pastors or contact the church office.

NewComers’ Lunch

Sunday, Oct 22nd / After Service / Fellow. Hall Join us for lunch if you are new to Cloverdale Baptist in the last 6 months! We’ll share with you who we are, what we stand for, and make you aware of our ministries. Pastor Rob will host a Q&A. No registration required.

Discipleship Classes

Every Sunday / 9:00 AM / For All Ages We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all. That’s why every Sunday at 9:00am, we have an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Learn more >

Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Samaritan’s Purse OCC Shoeboxes are available for pick-up in the foyer.  Please fill the shoeboxes with necessities and a toy to bless a child and return by Sunday, Nov. 12th. If you have any questions please contact Lorraine Moen.

Assistive Listening

We are pleased to announce Assistive Listening for the hard of hearing. Listen to our service in-house in real time using your own smartphone and headset. Follow our step-by-step guide to get started.

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast With the ever-increasing pressures to normalize what the Bible clearly addresses as sin, how can we remain faithful to the Word and not lose sight of the mission we’ve been sent on? Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as well as on our website.


