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Don't Miss Christmas

To God's Chosen Children At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Christmas Is Coming FAST!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I love this season, and all that it brings with a special focus of course on Jesus and what He means to us! 

Don't miss Christmas this year, in the busyness, in the fun and food, and in every other area of life, use it to focus your heart on the richness of the love of God.  Don't be like the little girl, who quoted John 3:16, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten son", but REMEMBER, and help others around you as well to see the love of God on display in the delight of the season!  Enjoy His love, as you focus on the reality of what God has done for you!

The Innkeeper has taught us to remove busyness so that we have time for relationship with Jesus!  Herod has taught us that simple knowledge that Jesus is the KING is not enough, we must surrender our lives to His Lordship...Moody's challenge to us, "The world has yet to see what God can do to and through a man or woman who is wholly devoted to Him...I want to be that man, or woman!".  May that be our commitment this Christmas as we rejoice in God's love and surrender to Him completely.

This week we had the amazing privilege of delivering 26 Christmas hampers to people who need a little extra physical love this year.  Each came with a Bible and the Christmas message.  Please pray that these will be received with the love that they are given, and will be a part of our display of the love of God this year!  It is such a joy to be a part of a giving church, and at this time of the year, may our giving increase!  Special thank you to Pastor Thomas for all his extra work on this!

Reminder if you would like to give in the calendar year that we are down to one Sunday, December 25.  Phil reminded me that we can still give online, but for us to count it with your 2016 gifts it must be in our hands by December 31 (the office will not be open from the 27-30), or postmarked before that date.  We continue to see God's people giving faithfully for God's work here, and I thank you for your part in this!


Christmas Eve Service, 6-7:  It is always exciting to hear the Christmas story again together, to sing, and rejoice in God's love for us.  Invite your friends and neighbours and come and join us for a night of JOY!  Refreshments will be provided, and we will have the entire family together.  If you bring young children who have trouble sitting through the service, you are welcome to use the Fellowship Hall, where the service will be on the big screen TV.  Pastor Les has assured me that the service will be exactly one hour, and he will make sure that the preacher sticks to his schedule (hmmm, not sure if that is possible), so if you trust him, you can plan on the service being over at 7.  We are looking forward to an amazing evening!

Sunday, Christmas Day,  10:30-11:30:  What a joy that the calendar finds our worship of God, and the celebration of Jesus coming on the same day.  We will gather as usual at 10:30 on Christmas morning.  We will be providing childcare from birth to Kindergarten if you would like to use it, although you would be welcome to keep your family together if that is your desire.  We are glad to join with our church family on this extra special day!

Preparing Your Hearts For This Exciting Week and Sunday:

Read the Christmas Story a few times this week:  Matthew 1:18-2:23

How can you help people around you, in a non offensive way, know the real reason for the season?

Why do you think that so many people missed out on Christmas when it happened?

How can you make sure that you don't miss out on Christmas this year?

Merry Christmas!
May the joy of knowing Jesus overwhelm you this year, and may you live your life in the freedom and passion of His grace!  Please pray for those who struggle especially at this time of the year as they remember loved ones no longer here, and other issues!

Rejoicing with you in our LORD,  

Pastor Rob

 1 Peter 1:8