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To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is good to be a child of the KING! I find that when I meditate on the greatness of the Gospel, and the joy of being His child, I am overwhelmed by His grace. God is so good! Join me this week in meditating on the richness of what it means to be IN CHRIST!

This year, God has good works for us to do, and I can't wait to see them and enjoy growing with you and serving one another for His glory.

Baptism: It is always exciting to have baptisms in our family, and on January 29, we will (God willing) be having a baptism! Encourage you, if you have not been baptized as a believer to talk to one of your pastors, and we will guide you into this step of relational obedience. It is important to follow God's Word, and being His disciple includes this step of testimony and sign of what has happened in your life! If you just want more information, respond to this email, and we would love to help you in this!

We are starting a visitation team, and it is exciting to see our church seek to improve in how we actively love one another. If you know of people in the hospital, please let me know, we are trying to make sure that everyone who is wanting, or needing a visit is loved in this way by our family. May I encourage you also to keep your antenna's up on Sunday's, and look for people that God wants to love through you (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Good News: For those who responded to the email last week, someone has volunteered to give us five extra books. Four are spoken for, so we have one more to the first person to respond to this email and ask. If you would like a copy of Love and Respect, please respond, and the first responder willing to promise to read the book gets it! It is our deep desire to have marriages that accomplish the mystery of marriage, and model Jesus and the church, and this is not easy...and we will have to choose God's best, in a self sacrificial way.

Sunday Is Coming:

It is good to be going back to Galatians! I missed it and am excited to journey with you through it to discover in it what it means to be free in Christ, and fully devoted to Him as those who walk by the Spirit. Encourage you to prepare your hearts this week by reading through Galatians, and getting a prayer filled good you get ready for what God has for you!

Text: Galatians 3:1-14

Title: Foolish Living: Solved By Faith

If you were to give the top five major issues facing the church today, what would you say they are?

What do you think the top five issues facing our church in the coming year are?

Why is false teaching so dangerous?

How does understanding spiritual warfare help us to grow in our willingness to fight for doctrinal purity?

What was the false teaching the Galatians were facing?

What does it mean that, "God's pleasure in me is based on Christ's performance for me"

How can we keep from being foolish in our lives, when it comes to our following of Jesus and knowing how we are accepted in Him?

Privileged to by your pastor,

Pastor Rob