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We Are Free!

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

This week was Martin Luther King day south of the border.  A celebration of a man who fought for the freedom of people who were trapped in the overflow of slavery.  Slavery itself was ended on December 18, 1885, however it took many more years (perhaps still carries on) to undo the damages of this horrific reality.  I am thankful for Martin Luther King, who was born on January 15, and is celebrated this month for what he gave his life to to seek, the reality of living out freedom in every day life for those who had been in slavery, or impacted by its horrors.  God values people from all nations, and all colours, as made in His image and worthy of mutual respect in that reality.

The book of Galatians seeks to do the same for Christians on an even more serious slavery.  In Christ, we are all equal (Galatians 3:28), the Gospel is for all, and is received the same way, by grace through faith...the horror is that sometimes those who have been set free, live in bondage.  My longing is that we as a church family would continue to grow in our freedom, and full devotion to Jesus.  We have been bought with a price, we have been set free, and now it is our joy to honour God with all we say and do!  May God use the amazing book of Galatians, not only to show us how to be free, but also to set us free so that we live in that freedom all of the time!

If you are looking for a place to serve, please contact Rod and the Fellowship Committee.  This is such an important role in helping us to love one another, and helping new people to connect to our church family.  Please prayerfully consider helping us in this!

Baptism Service:  We have a baptism service coming on January 28, 2017.  Please prayerfully consider obeying Jesus in this if you have not yet been baptized as a believer.  If you would like to be baptized, or discuss it further please contact one of your pastors.

Youth Retreat:  Please be in prayer for Pastor Thomas, and our youth as they get ready for a youth retreat this weekend.  Often retreats are used by God to bring about new commitments to Jesus, or renewal of commitments to Him.  Please pray that our youth would not only have a blast and be safe, but also that this would be an eternity changing, world view altering weekend!  We will miss them Sunday, and pray that God would use this opportunity to bring them to deeper faith and impact the rest of the church family.

Sunday Is Coming:

Text:  Galatians 3:1-14

Title:  The Way Home

This is a passage about what it means to follow Jesus through faith, in freedom from the curse of the and in full devotion to the Christ of the Bible.

Why is it important to recognize we are sinners if we are to be set free from slavery?

Why is it so important that we have a redeemer?

If we have to earn our keep, or our way, what does that say about Jesus?

What does it mean to live a life of faith?

May our God use His Word, and His people to encourage our hearts, free our wills and change our lives.  Freedom in Christ means radical devotion to following Christ!

Looking forward to another great week, and a Sunday filled with the love of our LORD.

A fellow freed follower,  

Pastor Rob