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Ambassadors For Jesus

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is good to be a part of this family!

Thank you for all you do as a church family to bless our lives, and to serve Him. We are called to be a family, and your encouragement and service of God's people with me at CBC is a tremendous blessing! Before you finish reading this, take the time to send a quick email or text, to someone in our family and let them know you appreciate them. One of the things we want to constantly improve is our active encouragement of one another. Also, after you are done reading this, please take the time to write a card and put it into someone's box.

This morning I had the privilege of hosting a blog that will be posted on The Gospel Coalition Canada website on pluralism, and its impact on our lives and mission as a part of the Canadian church. We reviewed, D.A. Carson's book, The Gagging Of God, and then interacted on how we can learn from it in a way that will make a difference in how we do church, and how we reach out into this culture. It is helpful to remember that the culture we swim in impacts us, as well as the people around us. Our goal is to hold firm to the absolute truth of Scripture, and to share the Gospel to the world around us that now rejects the possibility of absolute truth. The book, written over 20 years ago is well worth your read if you are interested in the scholastic depth of this argument (it is a big comprehensive book), but if you would like a quick synopsis with Canadian context in mind, you can find that in a few weeks on The Gospel Coalition's Canada facebook page.

Baptism: This Sunday we are having a baptism service. If you would like to be obedient to Jesus as a believer in baptism, please contact one of your pastors.

Missions Fest: We are a sponsor of Missions Fest, and take a group downtown every year. We encourage you to go and take part in missions fest, and if you would like to go down with us as a church there is still room, and you can contact Murray Isaac for more information.

Thank you for your prayers for Pastor Thomas and our youth. The early reports are that it was an amazing time, and youth rededicated their lives to Jesus. Please continue to pray for our youth, and this ministry!

If you know of anyone in our church that could use a visit, whether they be hospitalized or shut in, please let the office know. We are seeking to build a healthy visitation ministry, and a part of this is communication on the part of our family of those who need visits!

Sunday Is Coming:

Roy Comrie will be speaking this Sunday. He is a man who has lived his life on mission for Jesus, someone we have supported for many years as a congregation, and one that is worth coming to hear from!

His story will touch your heart, his ability to preach, your life, and his passion for missions, I pray our passion for missions.

Pray that God would prepare your heart to receive from Him what He has for you!

Have a great week, and don't forget, you are an Ambassador for Jesus, share of His greatness and gospel with your life and lips...

Pastor Rob