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To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

We have an election coming very soon, and one of the privileges and responsibilities of living in a great nation like Canada is taking part in these elections.  Elections have consequences, and our votes do matter.  How should we take part?  The first, and most important thing must do is pray.  Pray that we would be able to live lives for God's glory in a free and healthy way in this province and country.  Pray that we would know who to vote for and that through the election we would be able as Christians to show the infinite greatness of God.  PRAY (1 Timothy 2:1-4)!  Pray for God's will to be done in the election, and that we as Christians together would know how to carry ourselves in love and truth, and how to vote.

Not only should we pray as Christians, we should vote.  But how to vote is a much harder question. We believe in separation of church and state, and a part of this will include the reality that we will not tell you how to vote as a church, however there are issues that are very important to us as Christian citizens that we should be aware of.  As you prepare to vote, find out what your candidates and parties think about issues like life, family, marriage, helping the poor and faith freedom, these issues matter (Proverbs 14:34).  Vote for the person and party that are closest to representing God's best.  Vote for character and integrity as God defines it, vote for those who have the Biblical view of the sanctity of life (I have in the past been a one issue voter); God's view of family is also best for society, so seek to know where candidates and parties stand on these things.  I know this adds a little work in our responsibility to vote, but it is something we should be willing to do as good citizens of a great country, and the best province in Canada.

No political party or candidate will be perfect, and we must remember that the hope for Canada and the hope for British Columbia is not in a political party, rather it is the GOSPEL.  It is our responsibility through prayer and research to pick the candidate/party that will, "promote the common good in our particular community", as defined by God's Word.  I am glad we do not have a, "religious right", in Canada, that sees political power as a way to gain obedience to God's Word, and I am glad we have the joyful responsibility to vote, and impact the world around us in this way.  

So, PRAY, find out relevant information about candidates and parties, and VOTE for the one that you think will be best (as God defines it) in accomplishing the greatest good for our community.

It is good to see successful ministries in the church, and lives continuing to be changed by the hard work of people in our family.  Please continue to pray for those ministries you know about as we seek to finish the school year well.  Reports that I have heard about the ladies conference are very encouraging!  We have a Men's breakfast on Saturday, and encourage you to join us for great food, fellowship and a spiritual encouragement in how to continue to grow in your spiritual life.  

Today, the sun is shining, so as you see the beauty of His creation, PRAISE HIM, and use this opportunity to get to know your neighbours and serve them!

Prepare your heart for Sunday...our last sermon in the series on Galatians...sad, and yet for me has been an amazing heart warming journey...

Title:  The Law Of The Harvest

Text:  Galatians 6:6-10

What is the law of the harvest?

Why is it important that we understand that we reap what we sow?

Why do you think it is hard to stay the course as a Christian and continue to serve Jesus when it is difficult?

What can you do in your life to, "not grow weary in doing good"?

Looking forward to another great Sunday!

Pastor Rob