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Love On Display

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

This week the echoes of the love of God in our congregation were such an encouragement.  Sunday, someone sought me out during our fellowship time to share that they had been on holidays, and not in the service for three weeks, and had two phone calls from people in our church family asking where they were, and seeking to love them!  I know this is not everyone's experience, but what a joy to hear, and a challenge for each of us to notice those around us and love them.  He shared that they knew this was their home from the moment they arrived six months ago, and are now joining us in seeking to help us be who God wants us to be!  The temptation when reading something like this is to focus on self, and wonder where your phone calls were when you missed a few weeks, but I would prefer us to shift it the other way, and each of us start loving in this kind of way, looking for people, loving individually and growing in our love!  Make a few phone calls this week as you actively seek to be a part of helping us be who God wants us to be!

There are many in our congregation that are going through incredibly difficult times, and two shared specifically with me how overwhelmed they were with God's love through His people here.  Both were rejoicing as this family actively displays God's love.  So, THANK YOU, for noticing people around you that are hurting, and may that increase all the more as each of us seeks to reflect Jesus love in our lives and this community of faith!  WELL DONE!  This week look for someone in your sphere of influence that needs to be encouraged and be the avenue that God uses to bless those around you!

Sunday, I heard another great story of people reaching out in faith, and inviting their friends into our community of faith.  They had invited their friends to come to church, and these friends had never been in a church before.  What a privilege to be able to model to those who come into our midst our deep love for God, respect for His Word, and longing to live all of life in light of His Gospel.  Pray this week for who God would have you invite to our family, and look for people who are new, and engage them in conversation on Sunday.  We need everyone seeking to help us be who God wants us to be for us to be effective in becoming the church God wants us to become (Ephesians 4:11-16).

 Another person shared how special their growth group was in connecting them into the family, and was looking forward to the new year and getting going again!  Encourage all of you to be involved in Growth Groups!  Plan this year to make this a priority, and contact Pastor Les for help in getting connected in this way.

It is exciting to be in this family and see John 15 on display in our lives and through our church.  In a world that asks us to focus on self, complain about everything and live in bitterness, with disappointment, we are living for Jesus, and experiencing the joy of humble service of our KING.  Keep it up, and through the Power of the Spirit we will continue to grow numerically and in conformity to who He wants us to be!  WELL DONE!  Take the time this week to encourage someone around you, write a note, make a phone call, give a hug, and continue to display the beauty of what it means to belong to God together.

Prayer Meeting:  Reminder that we have a prayer meeting:  Tuesdays over the summer, 7-8.  These are elder led and focus on helping us as a congregation to corporately seek God's face in praise, thanksgiving, confession, and supplication.  We are working through Jesus teaching us how to pray, and all are welcome!  Please pray for our search committee and ministries preparing to kick off for the coming year.  I am very excited about where God is leading us, and can't wait to see us together bearing fruit as we display His infinite greatness in total dependence on Him!

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  In The World But Not Of The World:  Materialism

Text:  Acts 19:23-41

Why is it so easy for Christians to think like the world around us?

How can we be different from the world in how we store up treasures?

What are some ways that we can display our treasuring God above all things?