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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Cloverdale Baptist Church Family:

Tis the season for joy, holidays, family, traditions and most IMPORTANTLY, Focusing on JESUS!  

I have enjoyed a week of relaxation (okay, three days).  Had fun reading, making pens, shopping, and enjoying my family.  Excited about the weekend and our church family celebrations!

Christmas is a time for joy, and yet so many struggle with loneliness and loss.  This Christmas the Christian world has lost one of our theologians whose impact was wide, especially  on the churches view of God.  Chuck Colson was brought to Jesus through faithful Christians (and C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity), but often pointed to Sproul's, The Holiness Of God, for awakening his devotion,   reverence and passion.  Sproul was a tremendous help for me, especially early on in my walk with God as I tried to grasp how His greatness and freedom mesh with my own view of  human importance and choices.  He was used by God to make a difference in this world and I am thankful for him and his ministry.  Why put this here?  I think a great reminder of Christmas that we sometimes miss in the pageantry is the reason that Jesus came can be most fully experienced in the valley of the shadow of death.  I am saddened by the loss of R.C. Sproul, and rejoice that his legacy here will continue, and his life is not over as he is now in the presence of God.  We have this HOPE in us!  This Christmas take the time to read a good book (THE GOOD BOOK FIRST :)), and thank our God for His use of humans like R.C., and each of us as we look for the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do!

Please pray for those who have experienced loss that you know personally.  Christmas can be a very difficult time of year, and a chance for us to overflow the love of God to those around us who may be hurting!  More than any other time of year, this is an opportunity to be an avenue of God's love, so find someone to encourage, and in that may your purpose be fulfilled for this season as you glorify God!

Reminder that the office is closed from December 26-29, if you need anything please email one of your pastors and we will try to get back to you.

Please take the time to invite someone to our Christmas Eve Service (5-6 p.m.).  We will spend time reading the Christmas story, singing and being sung to, and hearing why Jesus came, from John 3:16 with a clear opportunity to understand the power of the Gospel.  This service is a chance to invite friends we have been praying for to our service, as well as a chance to be encouraged once again at the deep love of Jesus for us.  Please also take the time if you come to continue to help us be a place that welcomes and loves, it is as each of us does our part that this reputation we have will continue to grow!

We will also have a Sunday morning service, 10:30, and spend time answering again WHY JESUS CAME:  Please take time to prayerfully prepare your heart for this service by meditating on this passage, praying for me, and seeking the face of God!

Title:  Jesus Came To Seek & Save The Lost:

Text:  Luke 19:1-10

Why is it important to realize this purpose that Jesus came for?

How can we understand what it means for Jesus to SEEK?

Why according to this passage does He seek?

How is this more precious in light of the reality that the Bible teaches that no one seeks God (Romans 3:9-20)?

What does it mean to be lost?  Why is it important that we understand this to more deeply rejoice in our being saved?

How can we be like Jesus this coming year and seek and help the lost to be saved?

As we rejoice in this reality of the heart of our Saviour, let us encourage one another with these words.

Privileged to Serve you, especially at Christmas,

Pastor Rob