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New Years Resolutions

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:


Are you planning on setting any New Years resolutions on Sunday?  

They say that only 8% of people who set these kind of goals make them...maybe you can be in the top 8% this coming year?

They say that twice as many women set New Years resolutions in comparison to men...and typically probably need them less :)

They say the number one area that people want to work on who make resolutions is .... weight loss... and perhaps helpful.

Are you planning on any New Years resolutions this year?

My suggestion for us all is that we do, but that instead of focusing on some of the less important things, we focus on our spiritual lives.  One of the reformation principles was that we learn to live lives of repentance, or perhaps more understandable, that we are constantly pursuing a BIBLICAL worldview (the mind of Christ).  We need this desperately as we live in a world that does not value God's Word as we do, so our strong passion is to constantly renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2).

When we set resolutions as Christians it is also helpful to remember that we do so in grace as an overflow of grace.  There is nothing we can do to make God more satisfied in us, or to earn or pay back our salvation.  We need His grace for strength (2 Corinthians 12:1-10); and for freedom (Ephesians 2:1-10; Romans 8:1).

Sunday Is is 2018

Title:  New Years Resolutions For 2018

Text:  Ephesians 5:16

Sunday we are going to work through 4 Resolutions that I want all of us to make and keep for 2018.  If only 8% of us actually see dramatic life change, that will actually have a tremendous impact on our church...and my belief is that our percentages will be much higher.

Resolved:  TO EXPERIENCE THE FREEDOM OF FAITH MORE FULLY:  To rejoice that there is no condemnation in Christ, and live as one forgiven and cleansed by Jesus!

Resolved:  TO LOVE JESUS MORE FULLY:  To be driven and defined by our relationship with Jesus.  To think of Him more (10 looks at Jesus for every one look at me), and to conform our lives to Him.

Resolved:  TO DIE TO SELF DAILY:  He must increase, I must decrease.  To live my life for His glory, and use every joy and pain as an OPPORTUNITY to show He is my greatest treasure.

Resolved:  TO POINT TO JESUS EVERY OPPORTUNITY HE GIVES ME:  He has placed us here to be His representatives, making His appeal through us, this year I will know the Gospel and look for where He is working ahead of me to share it (with life and lips).

I am very excited about what 2018 will bring our way.  God has brought us together for such a time as this, and it is my hope that together we will display the beauty of who He is in our love for Him and one another.

Join me in praying in 2018, and as you do this year commit to living life for His glory.  

Remember to grab a READ THROUGH THE BIBLE from the information desk and join us.  Received a very encouraging email this week from a family that has read it together for the last 8 years!  Maybe you continue your streak this year, or maybe for the very first time you join us in this journey of growth.  Well worth doing, as you seek to grow in your knowledge and application of God's Word.

Privileged to serve you as your pastor,  
