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Each One Reach One

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is good to be back home!  It was a privilege to teach at Millar, and to see the hunger they have for God, and desire to serve the church of Jesus faithfully.  Was reminded that the local church is in the centre of God's plan to accomplish the Great Commission, and praise God for our church family.  Thank you for praying for me, and freeing me to serve the greater family of God in this way!  Was a joy.  I praise God for our church family, and what God is at work here accomplishing!

There is much going on as we begin to walk in January of 2018, stay informed!

Missions Fest:  January 27:  We are taking a bus from the church, meeting Saturday morning at 10:00 am at the church.  All are welcome and it is by donation.  I am teaching a breakout session with Jack Eggar on the importance of impacting the 4-14 window world wide, at 11:00 am.  We are doing it together on behalf of the mission, Global Children's Network, would love to see you there.

Congregational Meeting:  January 28:  I am very excited that we have the opportunity to seek God's will together as a family, and in our desire to value children and children's ministry.  I believe that God has blessed us with Robyn, and anticipate her helping us to continue to pursue excellence in this essential role.  Please pray for her, and join us after service for a Q and A, and the joy of seeing our ministries here continue to flourish.

What In The World Is God Doing:

Please pray for our missionaries as they continue to serve God around the world.  Please pray for Christians in cultures where there seems to be a lot of upheaval.  Peru had a major earthquake, Iran continues to struggle through protests, new laws in Bolivia that threaten to jail evangelicals, and the list could go on.  Stay informed, and in that informed state, stay praying!  We want to be church that joins other churches and Christians in their struggle by praying for them.  

I love hearing stories from you about God using you to draw people to Himself.  Please keep sharing them, and we will rejoice with you as God uses us to change eternity.  Praise God that He is drawing people to Himself through us!  Last week God used you (CBC) to change eternity, keep praying and pursuing, and know that as God uses us, there are celebrations in heaven!

Remember to PRAY for workers in the harvest, and PURSUE being one of those workers.  Encourage you to pray for at least three people in your life who you want to have an opportunity to share the Gospel with, and for courage and wisdom when God brings you that opportunity.

Sunday Is Coming:  Each One Reach One:  Don't Forget Your Books as you prepare your hearts to hear from God.

Title:  Christ Honouring Culture:  Pursuit Of Greatness

Text:  Matthew 11:11

Why is it good for us as Christians to want to be great, as long as we want to be great God's way?

What are things that make us great in God's eyes as His followers?

Why was John the Baptist The Greatest Of All Time?

Why are we greater than him (least in the Kingdom Of Heaven)?

What are some ways you can pursue greatness in the coming days, God's way?

Excited about Sunday, and our series on creating a healthy church culture focusing on each of us seeking to share the Gospel with those He brings across our path.  As we learn what He wants, let us also pray for the courage to apply this to our lives every day!

Thank you for your constant encouragement to me, as we serve our Lord together.  It is a joy to be called by God to this family!

Pastor Rob