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Special Day

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

This week has been a special week already. Sunday was a joy to be a part of as we began with a pancake breakfast, and then through worship and word exalted our King. Thank you to all of you who loved, served and helped us to have a great service. It is a joy to be a part of a family like this! So great to serve Jesus. If you invited someone, thank you...keep praying for them, and seek other opportunities to live for the glory of God and be one of the, "each one reach one", team.

Yesterday was my 31 year dating anniversary. Someone asked if we kept track of our engagement day as well, and if we are honest, no, but if we can remember we will celebrate that as well. 31 years is a long time, and it all began with Lori asking me if I thought we would ever go out. With great courage, and hope for a yes, a little later that very same day, April 3, 1987 I asked her out, and we have been dating ever since. I praise God for her and our family. I married my high school sweetheart, and the journey continues to bring me joy! Yes, we are a little strange, but I love dating her, and a dating anniversary is a great reason to spend time together in great delight (was blessed by a friend in perfect timing with a great date night out).

Today is a special day as our neighbours to the south celebrate Martin Luther King day. 50 years ago today this man who has made such an impact on minimizing racism, was assassinated in Memphis TN. I take three wonderful things out of this day: 1. All humans are created equal, and followers of God should go out of their way to make sure that respect and dignity are given to all as Image Bearers, and help our world be a place where, "people will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character". This day is worth celebrating, even in Canada as we seek to be a place that respects people of all ethnicities, and rejoice in our diversity; 2. Realize that one person can make a difference. Here is a man who responded to the times he was in, and whose life, and death was used to change the world. For us, a reminder that individuals can make a huge difference, whether that be in the life of one person, or of a nation. Be encouraged how you live, and the lives you seek to encourage, matters; 3. Our heroes are not perfect. Today as I have been reflecting on this man's life, reading different biographies many point out incredible faults in his character. Some recorded by the FBI, others reported by those close to him, and they are sad and cause some to judge him by his character and show these faults to seek to minimize his celebratory status. For me it is a reminder that even as we look to people like MLK, and the impact he has had with joy and respect, our only faultless hero remains Jesus.

I value the impact that this man had, and believe that it is worth celebrating, and this legacy worth continued pursuit. As we celebrate and pursue, lets choose to live lives of character reflecting our love for God, and rejoice that He has chosen to use broken people to do His will.

This week our elders will lay hands on two precious people, Ryan and Katelynn Penner, and send them out into the world on mission for God, on our behalf. We have prayed that we would be more and more a sending church, impacting our own sphere of influence, as we care about the world. We are excited (and a little sad for we will miss them) to be a part of this special service, and ask that you would pray for them on this special day and BEYOND!

Sunday Is Coming:

Communion: Reminder that we will be having communion this Sunday. Prepare your hearts of this celebration and time of recommitment to lives lived in submission to our KING.

Title: Famous Last Words: Rest & Refocus

Text: Luke 23:26-49


Yes, but what now?

Jesus was able to rest in the Father's care even after the worst suffering that has ever been experienced, and then call His followers to the same.

How can you actively trust in God when you are struggling?

What is your part of the Great Commission?

Why do you think that these precious words from Matthew have been so important in church history, and are so important to us?

Pray for me, and each person that comes to church on Sunday, that we would meet our risen Saviour, conform to His image, and live on mission for Him

Rejoicing that I am a jar of clay, used for His glory, longing to leave a legacy, with character conformed to the image of Jesus with you,

Pastor Rob