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Prayer for the Persecuted Church

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

October 31 is a very special day in church history!  In fact, it is Reformation Day, a day that changed church history forever.  On October 31, 1517 a monk who had struggled with his own life and salvation posted 95 theses addressing the church and calling for reformation of its practices and beliefs to God's Word.  This day started being celebrated in 1567 and became an official holiday in 1717.  I believe it is still worth celebrating for this was a rediscovery of the Biblical Gospel.

The church had moved away from the Gospel and started to struggle with a salvation of works among many other things.  Central to this Reformation of the church was a call to realize that salvation was to be found by Grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone.  And the only way we can discover this is through a grasp that God's Word alone is authoritative (Sola Scriptura).  We are now many years from this great day in history, but it is something that we should remember with thanksgiving and rejoice in praise to our great redeemer.  We live in an age where clarifying the Gospel is still important (Galatians 1:8-10) and where following Jesus is still a matter of full devotion as an overflow of the experience of Grace.  Take the time to review the 5 Sola's of the reformation and rejoice in the greatness of your salvation (

 As you drive around and notice all of the decorations and costumes, let it push your heart to a time of praise and focus, as you clarify the Gospel to your own heart and choose to live in light of it!

The world celebrates October 31 through dressing up, and going door to door looking for candy.  We should also celebrate this special day, with a call to let it remind us of the greatness of our salvation, and push our hearts to praise, and our mouths to sharing with those around us of the greatness of God's grace.

Church, retake October 31 for the celebration it should be, and share with at least 5 other people why you think October 31 is special (make at least 1 a non-church person).  BUT NOW, God has given us His grace and salvation through Jesus Christ, by grace through faith, PRAISE GOD!

Our goal as a church is to create a CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP.  Take advantage of the ministries we have to offer to help you grow in your walk with God, and passion to obey all He commands.

Men's Breakfast:  November 3, we will be gathering as men (8:30 am) and enjoying a time of fellowship and growing together.  We are this year focusing on key issues that men face as we seek to grow in our conformity to Jesus and success on His mission and this week we are looking at Friendship.  Come and bring a friend, a son, or a dad...the food is great, the fellowship needed, and we would love to see the impact of our men's ministry growing.

Prayer & Praise Night:  The Persecuted Church:  We will be gathering on Sunday night at 6:30 (November 4) for the International Day Of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  Tony will be joining us with a special guest and we will rejoice in the faithfulness of God and pray for those who are still being persecuted around the world.  Please take the time to join us in this time of prayer for precious brothers and sisters around the world.

Next year we are considering a series called, THINGS I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A SERMON ON, and if you have some ideas, please would you reply to this email and let us know.  

The love of my life takes another step away from 30 this week.  I praise God for her, and am thankful that I have the privilege of spending my life with her.  Lori, Happy Birthday, I love you, and look forward to what God has for us in the coming years.  Thanks for helping my life be filled with JOY.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title: Gospel Living:  We Make It Our Aim To Please Him
Text:  Romans 1-3

  • As we sum up these verses we have covered, in your own words, what is the power of the Gospel?
  • What things will the Gospel change for us?
  • How can we make sure we are living in light of the Gospel and so show our experience of it is authentic?
  • How is thanksgiving a fruit of your experience of the Gospel?
  • How would you sum up GOSPEL CENTRED LIVING?

I am excited to honour Jesus with you Sunday, and love our COMMUNION SUNDAYS.

Prepare your heart and mind as we come to lift up His name, remember His grace, and be changed by the POWER OF THE GOSPEL.

Rejoicing with you in our great salvation,

Pastor Rob