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Pray and Pursue Personal Revival

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Today is a special day!  It is world downs syndrome day.  What a great day to celebrate the preciousness of these families, and to learn more about what living with downs  syndrome means.  I praise God for those in our church family that have been blessed through this, and want to rejoice in treasuring those made in the image of God, in this special way...always...but especially today.  Take the time to make a phone call or send a note, or pray for those families you know who have been blessed in this way, and learn more about all this involves.  Also, if you have time, or next year WEAR CRAZY SOCKS!

We are learning a new song on Sunday.  One I am growing to love as I listen to City Alight.  If you are interested in learning it ahead of time, it is called, The Love Of The Father.  It is a song that claps, and as a good Mennonite raised boy, I am not all that good at clapping.  I suppose since it is something God calls on us to do (Psalm 47), not all bad, so will try to learn :)  Take the time to listen to the words and tune, and join us Sunday in exalting God with this great song of praise that seeks to sing to one another the greatness of our Father's love!  As I listen it draws my heart to exalt this amazing privilege.  As J.I. Packer states, "if you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God's child, and having God as his Father"  WOW!

  Over the past few weeks we have been discussing pursuing personal and corporate revival, and what this means.  What really is revival?  There are many answers, for me it is the awakening of people who claim to be followers of God so that they become enflamed to serve Him in every area of their lives.  It includes a passion for holiness that is humble, a delight in God's Word being preached and a love for one another.  It leads to a longing to see people come to know Jesus and a culture of evangelism.  It begins with prayer and personal pursuit.  So, would you pray and ask our LORD to send revival, and would you offer yourself to Him, ALL IN, and let His flame engage your heart, mind and will!

We have been looking at Tozer's steps to revival, and the are:  1. Get thoroughly dissatisfied with yourself; 2.  Set your face like a flint toward a sweeping transformation of your life; 3.  Put yourself in the way of blessing; 4.  Do a thorough job of repenting; 5.  Make restitution wherever possible; 6.  Bring your life into accord with God's Word (especially passages like the Sermon On The Mount); 7.  Be serious minded; 8.  Deliberately narrow your interests...AND THE LAST TWO...

9.  Begin To Witness:  You witness by seeking to pray for and pursue opportunities to share the greatness of the Gospel with those God has brought into your sphere of influence.  Pick three people and today start to pray for them, and then look for opportunities to share the good news with them.  We long to be a church where witness is who we are and what we all do.  Where each one reaches one, will you join us in this longing to multiply?

10.  Have Faith In God:  Begin to expect that God is at work, and to trust that He is on your side (Romans 8:32).  Don't become discouraged, but fix your eyes on Jesus and trust in Him!  God will never disappoint those who place their trust in Him.

God, would you send a revival, and would you begin with me!  As one who calls CBC home would you take these 10 steps, and in faith together let us await the freshness of unified full devotion to our God.

Really enjoyed a Swindoll book on Elijah this week.  Studying people who have been used in history to change eternity is such an encouragement to my heart.  It is good to read, most importantly God's Word, but also other books that will point us to God and help us to live our lives in the community of faith.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Called From Slavery, To Slavery
Text:  Romans 6:15-23

This text includes one of the great statement verses in the Bible...verse 23.

  • As you prayerfully reflect on this text this week, why do you think that it is important to Paul to show that every human is a slave?
  • What does this even mean?
  • How does being set free to slavery encourage your heart?
  • How can you make sure that you choose the right Master?

I love Sundays, and the privilege we have to GATHER, GROW, and GLOW.

Blessed to exist for the PRAISE OF HIS GLORIOUS GRACE,  

Pastor Rob