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September is Here

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

I love labour day.  Not only because it gives us an extra day off, but also because it reminds us that we are to work for the LORD not just for our earthly boss.  In my work, this is more obvious, but for those in a secular world it is a great time to remember that God is at work in our lives and uses us where He has placed us for His glory.  So enjoy the extra day off, and remember that you are where you are to work for Jesus, and show others what it looks like to have Him as your Master (Colossians 3).  How we work displays who we work for, and authentic Christians should be the BEST employees!

As we enter September, life's normal pace resumes.  We encourage you to set the pattern early in this new school year, for following Jesus, and for helping others to know Him.  Join a growth group, make Sunday School and morning service a priority, set up your life so that God is at the centre in word and practice.  We exist to make disciples, and your help in this is KEY both in coming to the programs that help us in this, but even more importantly by being the kind of people that help us mature others.

Please join us before service for our time at Connection Cafe (10:00), and look for people you don't know, or who are alone.  If each of us who calls this church home takes this ministry seriously you will not be able to leave our church without feeling the love of Jesus and His presence through His people.  Please join us in continuing to build our reputation for being a friendly place filled with God's love.

Our last summer prayer meeting is on Tuesday, August 27 and we encourage you to join us as we seek God's face together.  It is elder led, and from 7-8.  

Missions:  We welcomed home our team from the Philippines.  If you know one of them, send them a welcome home note, and ask them their favourite God moment.  We will hear from the later, and enjoy what God did, and even now we can thank Him for their safety and what God accomplished in them and through them.  Please pray as they re-engage with normal life that they impact will deepen and change them for God's glory now and over time.

Promotion To Glory:  Stan Marfleet was promoted to glory last week, and we praise God for his gentle, content life and that he is in glory.  Please pray for the family, and if you are able join us in a time of memory and Gospel centred joy on Friday, August 30 at 11 at the church for the service.  Nellie and the family extend an invitation to join us.

Conference:  Make sure to sign up for the Real Life, Real Truth conference.  We are excited to seek to engage our community in THINKING.  More information is available on our website.  We will be having three conferences this year, all with the goal of seeking to help each of us live out our faith in practical ways.  Join us in growing and we will together be more intimate with Jesus and more impactful for His glory!

Sunday Is Coming:

This will be our last sermon on the Psalms.

re-read Psalm 1, and make a commitment to pursuing being this kind of a person!

The Psalm we will be preaching on this week is Psalm 27, which just so happens to have been Stan and Nellie's wedding Psalm.  Read through it and prayerfully prepare your hearts for Sunday.


Privileged to serve you on His behalf,
Pastor Rob