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To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

And So It Begins :) . September is here, and although we graduated one from University this last year, we now have three going to University today!  How our world has changed even as it has remained so much the same.  So as we begin, I want to challenge us all with four key words...

Coast:  DON'T.  It is easy as life gets busier to put some of the things that don't seem quite as important on hold like your spiritual life, and in reality when we make our relationship with Jesus secondary we actually sacrifice it for worldliness.  Coasting leads to chaos, for coasting is always easiest downhill, and usually picks up speed in the wrong direction, so make a commitment as we begin the year not to coast...  This year DON'T COAST!  (Revelation 3:16).  But the great question you would ask is HOW?  That is the next three key words...

Choose:  Count the cost this year, and know that there is nothing greater than being loved by Jesus!  Luke 9:23 and many other verses tell us that this cost could be our very lives, but it is so worth it!  Following Jesus is not easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it.  There is a cost to being ALL IN!  This year as you begin realize that growing spiritually takes effort.  You must choose to take the time to invest in other people, to read God's Word, to be loyal to Him at any cost.  It might mean earthly pain, but it will always yield pleasure for eternity.  IT IS WORTH IT...COUNT THE COST...and invest in your relationship with Jesus as a priority, following the example of Daniel...even if the Lions are waiting for you.  Choose to put your relationship with Jesus first, and be willing to let everyone and everything else take a back seat to Him.

Call:  God has placed you where you are at for such a time as this (Esther 4:14), and has good works prepared in advance for you to do this coming year (Ephesians 2:10).  With anticipation, look for them, they will be amazing, and life changing.  You are a part of God's plan to reach people, and to love people.  We are called to find a place to serve in the church, and if we choose not to we will miss being blessed and perhaps more important being a blessing (Ephesians 4:11-16).  Be aware that God is working in your life, and through your life to bless others...look for opportunities and joyfully engage when you see them.  God's call on your life for serving is the most important thing you can do with your time.

 Connecting:  Make an effort to get to know other people in the church and be an avenue of God's love.  The only way we will be as great as God wants us to be is if each person makes an effort to be loving and to find others to love.  Join a Growth Group, make sure to be at Sunday School, come early and stay a little late and be on the ACTIVE look out to find people to show God's love to in our church.  If all of us make an effort, we will be a GREAT church for God's glory!  (1 Peter 4:8)

PRESS ON:  The Books Are Ready For Pick Up.  We are excited again to journey with you in the process of making disciples through growing together.  The Press On journey is one that invites us to do devotions together, to discuss what we are learning and to take the material preached on each week and seek to make sure we are applying it to our lives.  Please join us on this journey.  Growth Groups are using this to further intimacy with God and one another and if you are not in a Growth Group (or your group is choosing another subject) use the books to discuss with family and friends ways to grow closer to God and apply His Word to your life.  WE WANT MORE...and one of the ways we will get it is joining together in this journey using this book to help us grow together and alone.  JOIN US as we seek to grow together deeper in our intimacy and wider in our impact as individuals and a church.

Baptism:  We have a baptism this coming Sunday (September 8), please join us and listen to God's story in the life of His children as they obey Him in believers baptism.  If you have not been baptized by immersion as a believer please make an appointment with a pastor.  We would love to see you baptized this Sunday!  This is one of God's gifts to the church and through the church to God's people.  Pray that God would renew and deepen your understanding of the greatness of salvation and your experience of His love this Sunday.

Kick Off Sunday:  We want you to be able to connect, so you can serve and be served at our church!  Kick Off Sunday is September 15, beginning at 9:30 a.m. ...and we will have Sticky Buns...which in and of themselves are worth coming for.  Join us and learn where you can maximize your experience at Cloverdale Baptist Church.

Growth Groups:  They are beginning...sign up and grow.  We would love every person who attends Cloverdale Baptist to be in a Growth Group, so please prayerfully consider joining one.

AWANA, Youth Ministry, Young Adults, Over 55's, Women's, Men's, and much more is kicking off some even this week.  Our Over 55's have a luncheon on Wednesday, Men's ministry a breakfast on Saturday, and SO MUCH MORE.  Stay aware and choose to engage and grow!

Real Truth, Real Life Thinking Conference is arriving in October.  Sign up now, and join us in our desire of first love renewal through engaging our minds and hearts in thinking God's thoughts.  We want to equip you to follow Jesus in a Chaotic World!

Missions:  Find one of our short term missionaries and ask them about their trip to the Philippines .  If you know someone who served at Sunnybrae, connect with them and ask them how God used them, and where they grew the most.  If you know Dean (if not get to know him) have him over for a football game and when the Eagles are losing ask him about how God has used him and our prayers to reach people for God's glory.  Pray for a missionary heart in our congregation!

Sunday Is Coming:

Pressing On Series:  Please pray that God would take each message and help us to renew devotion to Him.  I am convinced with Thomas Morton that, "when God means to bestow blessings, he stirs up the hearts of the people to pray for them".  Please commit to pray that this series, book, sermons, devotionals, etc. would be used by God to shape our lives for His glory...

I Want More!

Text:  Philippians 3:8-21
Title:  Don't Waste Your Life

Take the time as you begin to prepare your hearts for Sunday and the week to follow to reflect on the last Memorial Service you went to.  How did people reflect on the person who was being remembered?

  • How do you want to be remembered?
  • How can you be sure you will spend your eternity in heaven?
  • What does a wasted life look like?
  • What are you passionate about?  
  • How does that show in how you spend your time, treasures and talents (gifts)?
  • How can you grow deeper in your passion for Jesus so that your life is used to its maximum potential in God's strength for God's glory?

I am so excited to see how God will use this year to grow us and use us.  I am also a little nervous, as the New School Year and busyness of the life it brings to us can crowd out what is most important.  Choose to refuse to coast, as you count the cost and realize it is worth it to be ALL IN, follow God's call on your life to serve and glorify Him and connect with others who are going in the same direction to offer support, and experience strength in the journey together.

Growing with you as we Go together into the New School Year, INVITE SOMEONE TO CHURCH THIS WEEK...and who knows, but maybe you were brought here for SUCH A TIME AS THIS...

Pastor Rob