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To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

I miss NFL football when it is the offseason.  Last week was KICK OFF, and as Lori would share with you (Hannah as well), about the only thing on TV now in the Godard household is football (GO COWBOYS GO).  This might fit under the passionate about the wrong thing from last weeks sermon, but it also serves as a good reminder that we are KICKING OFF this Sunday as a church family.  Yes, the cinnamon buns are SUPER, but even more important is the opportunity to connect into ministry, both serving and being served, in the coming year.  Join us this SUNDAY for a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and finding your place at Cloverdale Baptist this Sunday, beginning at 9:30.  BRING A FRIEND!

Don't Miss The Opportunity:  Our goal is to continue to grow closer to God, and as an overflow of that to impact our community with His Gospel and Grace.  To do this we are called to grow in community, which includes a commitment to our Sunday morning services, and also conferences and Sunday School.  This year, we want you to join us in our desire to GET MORE, in terms of closeness to our LORD, and obedience to His calling on our lives.  Sign up for our October Conference (ck online or this Sunday at our kick off), and make a commitment as families and individuals to Sunday School.  We want this to be the best year of your life, as God measures it, and to do that we must grow together!

Pressing On Journey:  I have had a lot of fun so far doing the devotionals, and discussing them with the staff (okay, only Tuesday and Monday is a day off, but it has been fun).  One said to me this morning that the IMPACT has already been huge on their heart and life.  LOVE IT!  Please join us in the JOURNEY, if you don't have a book (sorry we ran out), they are available for free online, or for a suggested donation for a hard copy at the church of $5.  We ordered 50 more.  All of the money donated goes to offset the costs of getting the book printed.  You can also order on if you want it quicker, but the cost is a little more.  Don't just read the Bible, and notes, talk about them with others (Growth Group, Family, Friends), and discuss what God is doing in your hearts and minds.  What an encouragement it was for me (and our staff) to hear today at our prayer start to the day how God is at work in the lives of His people.  Encourage one another, and as we journey together we will get much closer to Him and one another!

Missions Update:  Please pray for Ryan and Katelynn Penner, as they continue to work in the Philippines for God's glory.  Pray for Kate's new role as OMF Philippines Serve Asia Co-ordinator.  Pray for wisdom for them both as they seek to know what God wants and live it out.  Pray for their own strong walk with God as this is key in any ministry, but especially for those who are seeking to do it overseas full time!

Prayer:  We long to be a church that prays.  Not only because prayer is as natural as breathing for the mature Christian, nor because it is relational, and we long to build our relationship with our God ever deeper, but also because God has chosen prayer to be the His way of accomplishing His will for His glory.  Thomas Manton, in his excellent commentary on James writes, "When God means to bestow blessings, he stirs up the hearts of the hearts of the people to pray for them".  I long for so much more, and want us to be a people who prays alone and together, and desire the stirring of God in His people to pray, and the power of God in His people to live on mission for Him!  We will have more on this as we discuss ways to engage God's people in corporate prayer, but please ask God to stir your heart to prayer, and we will eagerly anticipate the blessing that follows.

Sunday Is Coming:

Week Two:  Pressing On:

Title: Love Is Uniform For The Authentic Follower Of The LORD

Text:  Mark 12:28-37

Over the coming month we will be focusing daily together on the series.  To prepare your heart for this Sunday, pray that God would move through me to us, and that together we would be a congregation that loves God, and that is so full of that love we are constantly growing in our love for one another.

Love is the mark of the true believer, as such, if someone was to Daniel 6:5 your life, would they delight that you are someone who is experiencing the LOVE OF GOD (Lamentations 3:22-23) and are as an impact of that loving.  This must begin with each of us experiencing God's love so richly that we OVERFLOW love.  

Pray Ephesians 3:14-21 for me and three other people this week.

Excited about God drawing our church closer to Him, and making a difference for Him.

Excited about beginning this new year, PRESSING ON!

Pressing On With You,

Pastor Rob