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Hello from Halifax

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

What a joy it is to gather with pastors and people from all over Atlantic Canada who love Jesus and are unified in His Gospel.  There is a deep desire to see the Gospel move forward in a place that feels dry and lacking a strong evangelical presence.  Today our focus was on Colossians 1, and we were richly drawn to prayer and the celebration of the Supremacy of Jesus.  It is so good to drink from His Word with His people, on the opposite end of our country, divided in politics, united in Jesus. 

The election has come and gone, and I hope you voted.  Now comes prayer, perhaps better worded now continues prayer.  We are commanded in the Bible to submit to those in authority over us, and to pray for them that we might continue in peace as those pursuing God and His glory here.  Pray for our prime minister, that he might know Jesus, and pray for the future of our country.  We vote who we think to be God's best and trust in God's Sovereignty for who we now have.  PRAY!

Death is always a reminder for us of two essential things.  The first is that it is approaching for all of us, and that we must know Jesus to be ready for eternity, by grace through faith.  The second is that we are reminded to live well, to live in a way that blesses those around us.  Our longest serving member went home last week (Helmut Seiler), and it is worth remembering his life even a we rejoice in eternal life. He was married in the old, old, old Cloverdale Baptist Church, in the year, 1960.  Since then he has journeyed with our church through buildings, battles, and beauty.  He saw the years where our Sunday School outnumbered our Sunday morning attendance.  He saw God move us to the middle of no where (that is how our present property was described) and has seen the faithfulness of God and the joy of growth over the many years.  It is never easy to be faithful, and his journey in the church and in life was not, but it was beautifully marked with a loyalty to Jesus and His bride that is worth celebrating!  The memorial service will be on Saturday at 2:00, where we will rejoice, rest, and remember not only that death is our enemy, but also that Jesus has WON!

For those who knew Rudy Stork, who used to attend our church, he also went home this week, and so we ask for you to pray for the family and if you would like to attend the memorial service it will be at Peace Portal church Friday at 1:30.

I really enjoyed our Real Life, Real Truth conference, thank you for all who put so much work into it.  Our goal is to help our church continue to grow a culture of evangelism as those who live in hope and are asked because of that why?  As you pray and actively look for opportunities to share your faith, our hope is that we together took another healthy step in the direction of seeing many come to know Jesus through the people at Cloverdale Baptist.  

Please pray for me as I preach here, and do some teaching and interacting with God's people here.  We are four hours ahead, so my energy is dripping a little :)

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Press On:  Ready Living

Text:  Luke 12:35-38

  • What does it mean to be in an authentic relationship with Jesus?
  • How can you test yourself?
  • How does this text help us know how to be ready for Jesus return?
  • What is the reward of living in relationship with Jesus?
  • How can we live in light of Jesus return for us in death, or in the rapture?
  • Are you excited about Jesus return.

Meditate on Philippians 1:21-27, and rejoice as we eagerly await a Saviour and rejoice in His call to serve Him here and now!

Excited to be home,

Privileged to serve you,

Pastor Rob