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A Great Day in Church History

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is good to belong to a long history of God’s work in and through God’s people.

Today is a special day, as we celebrate the REFORMATION and all that it has done for the people of God and the rediscovery of GRACE.

Martin Luther posted ninety-five theses on October 31, 1517 hoping to spark a debate and to help the church return to God’s Word.  It sparked much more than a debate, and became the fuel for the fire of the REFORMATION and the church has never been the same.  In many ways what had been a dark time was relit by the power of the Gospel, and those who love God’s Word realize that REFORMATION is not a one-time event but a daily pursuit of aligning our doctrine and life with the Word of God.

I love what David Mathis said, “The work continues as each generation, standing upon the shoulders of others, comes to drink for themselves at the headwaters of God’s own Word.” 

Amen…may this be an encouragement for us to rejoice in the doctrines of grace, delight in our own salvation, and determine to be loyal to God’s Word regardless of the cost.  I love history, as it is HIS STORY, and we get the privilege of being a part of this as His children.

This day is followed by ALL SAINTS DAY, and ALL SOULS DAY, and these are also special in reminding us that we are Saints (set apart by God for God), and a part of a history of people who have followed God.  It is a reminder to reflect on Hebrews 11, and people in our own history who have stayed faithful to God and loyal to His church, and to choose His way!

May the Reformation not only live on, may we also be in the constant pursuit of continual reformation.

Happy 29th Birthday Lori (November 2).

There is much going on in our church family including prayer for the persecuted church and new discipleship hour classes.  Stay informed, join us on podcasts, in person and in prayer, as we seek to deepen our intimacy with God and widen our impact for His glory!

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Signs Of Life Part 1

Text:  Colossians 1:1-14

Growth Group Notes:  So you can interact with those you know in our family and seek to apply God’s Word to REAL LIFE!  Real Truth 4 Real Life:

Read the text in context:  we are covering verses 3-8

Why is it important to know if you are saved or not?

            2 Peter 1:10; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Matthew 7:21 

Pastor Rob said, from this text there are 7 signs of life:  Substantial God; Saving Faith; Selfless Love; Steadfast Hope; Spiritual Fruit; Slave Mentality; Spirit Power.

They overlap and impact one another, but helpful to see what they are.  Try to define the first four that were covered in the sermon:  Substantial God; Saving Faith; Selfless Love; Steadfast Hope...

  • What are some specific ways that you can evaluate your life to see if you have these in your life? 
  • Why do you think that Paul thanked God for these attributes in them?
  • What does this show us about how these signs of life are produced?
  • How does this show us the greatness of God, even in our discipleship?
  • How can we continually reform our thinking about God so that it is more and more in line with what His Word teaches?
  • What does it mean that faith saves us, and shifts us?
  • How can we learn to more and more live/walk by faith? 
  • Why is living life in the presence of God, knowing He is REAL and RELEVANT and RELATIONAL so important and life altering? 
  • The Bible places a primary importance on the attribute of love.  Why do you think this is?
    • What are some passages that show this?
  • What are some steps you can take to see this sign of love in your life more clearly? 
  • What does it mean to have STEADFAST HOPE? 
  • Paul here makes HOPE the producer of faith and love in this passage (it is usually the other way around), why do you think this is?

Reminder to try to read the entire book of Colossians at least once a week.  Would be great to write down what stands out to you each week, and see your growth in depth and breadth in your grasp of the book as we look together at little parts of it in context.

Talk with someone else in the church family outside of your usual friends about what you are learning! 


We want to be a praying church. This week we are focusing on the persecuted church, so please pray for Christians around the world who are facing persecution:

  • Pray that they would stand firm.
  • Pray that they would be safe from false doctrine.
  • Pray that we would be engaged in their lives and struggle by praying for them and continuing to be involved in equipping them for ministry.
  • Pray that they would be able to share the Gospel with freedom and joy.


Please also pray for Hans Briner and family as they grieve the loss of Diane.  She became a member, by our records, in 1961.  That is an incredible legacy of faithfulness and service, and one of those we remember with joy, as we grieve with her family.  May her kind increase!

Looking forward to COLOSSIANS SATURATION with you,

Pastor Rob



Men’s Breakfast

Sat. Nov. 4th / 8:30 AM / Fellowship Hall Men of all ages, come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together!

New Adult Classes

Starting this Sunday at 9:00am

  • Thinking (Fellowship Hall): Answering life’s five biggest questions with Pastor Ray.
  • Building Stronger Families (Room 218): Designed by Pastor Dwight to help parents put God’s wisdom and instruction for families into practice.
  • Membership (Room 246): Explore the doctrinal beliefs of CBC. Register at the Ministry Centre.

Prayer Service

Sunday, Nov. 5th / 7:00 Pm / Fellow. Hall Join us the first Sunday of every month to sing, pray, and hear from God’s Word together as we seek to be a praying church!

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 12th / During Service If you would like to be baptized, please talk to one of our pastors or contact the church office.

Annual Ministry Report Now Available

Our ministry report booklet features photos and highlights from the past ministry year. Pick up your copy today at the Ministry Centre!

Women’s Ministry Newsletter

A monthly newsletter with information about events and opportunities for growth and service. If you’d like to receive the newsletter, please contact us >

Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Samaritan’s Purse OCC Shoeboxes are available for pick-up in the foyer.  Please fill the shoeboxes with necessities and a toy to bless a child and return by Sunday,  Nov. 12th. If you have any questions please contact Lorraine Moen.

Honouring God in Our Response to Global Issues

▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast Amidst the chaos and turmoil unfolding in our world, how can we respond in a manner that brings glory to God? Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts,  Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as well as on our website.

