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The Value of the Lord's Table

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

I love celebrating Communion with God’s people.  It is a precious gift to the local church from her LORD that displays our love for God and one another, and brings us back to loyalty to Him through remembering what He has done for us.  I love this precious time together at the LORD’S table.  It is more than a symbol when done in the Spirit, with a fixation on Jesus, it is spiritual food for our souls relationally.

I love REMEMBERING the greatness of the Gospel, and fixating my eyes on Jesus.

It is a joy to REPENT with God’s people, and turn our backs individually and corporately from all sin and towards obedience to His Word.

It is a privilege to RENEW our first love devotion to God together, and experience in this the joy and unity that comes from intimacy with the almighty.

The Lord’s Table is deadly serious, and yields an inexpressible and glorious joy when experienced correctly.  Done in relational intimacy, we REJOICE!

This is one of the great gifts of our LORD to His people gathered in local churches, and a privilege to experience with you.  We love Communion Sunday’s and see them as a priority and opportunity to deepen my love for God and His people in obedience to Him.

As an Elders board we are passionate about obeying the Bible with courage and being loving and gracious where the Bible is not clear.  The Bible does not tell us how to serve communion, and sometimes people from different traditions can be distracted by how we do things.  We want nothing to distract us from the meaning and treasure of communion.

It is hard to receive concern about issues that the Bible does not address clearly, as it takes wisdom and love to respond to these things in a way that will lead to unity and maturity, especially when there are differing perspectives on the best way to, in this case, serve communion.

The Elders want our focus to be on Jesus, and to have His love produce a preferring love for others that impacts how we work through all non-biblical issues.  Given the purpose of Communion, this is even more important!

In January we are going to try some small adjustments to how we (style) serve communion to try to ensure that our focus is on Jesus and not how we serve the elements.  It is our hope that this will help all to fixate on Jesus and keep us focused on loving God, one another, and living on mission for Him in the world He has placed us.  We will seek to lead forward in a way that honours God’s people, and stands firm with passion only on that which the Bible calls us to. 

Please pray for a humble heart towards God and others, and a unifying celebration of the LORD’S table together that REMEMBERS Him, and the impact that this Gospel makes on us in relationship with Him (Ephesians 5:1-2) even if perhaps the style in which we rejoice is not always our first choice.

May our God continue to make our celebrations of Him through the gifts He has given those that drive us to Him, and unity with His bride.

Sunday Is Coming:

Text:  Colossians 1:3-8

 Signs Of Life:  Part 2

We are continuing our study of the Marks of Life.

  • Review last weeks first four, and how you are pursuing these in your life, in dependence on the Spirit.
  • Read the text again…(Hope many of you are reading the book repeatedly)…
  • What does it mean that this Gospel is to bear fruit?
  • Are you showing spiritual fruit in your life?  Where?
  • What does it mean to be a SLAVE of Jesus?  Why do you think that Paul uses this language?
  • Are there any areas of your life that are not being lived in surrender to the Lordship of Jesus?
  • How is the Power of the Spirit key to living for God?
  • What are ways we can, “keep in step with the Spirit?”


A fellow follower of Jesus,

Pastor Rob 

Ephesians 5:1-2

Growth Group Notes

Colossians 1:1-14:  Part 3

November 12

Thank you for joining us in seeking to help God’s people connect with Him, and also to connect with His family at Cloverdale Baptist Church.  Growth Groups are the heart of our strategy to connect with God and one another in unity for His glory…so THANK YOU for your part in pursuing this with us.  Please continue to keep these relationships strong and intentionally pursue the Christian life in these communities.

Text:  Colossians 1:1-14

Title:   Signs Of Life:  Verses 3-8  Part 2

As we begin a series it is helpful to get comfortable with the context of the book.  It is helpful to read the book at least once a week, over the next year or so it will take us to work through it.

Our goal would be that the Holy Spirit can add to our repertoire the book of Colossians so we can use it to walk in faithfulness to Him.  It is good to have THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT in times like these!  Please also memorize together Colossians 1:9-10…and pick up cards to help our people and practice together.

Questions For Deeper Application:

Read the text in context (verses 1-14):  we are covering verses 3-8


  • Þ How does thanksgiving to God for these things show us God’s power and that He is a great God? How can we grow in our view of God’s GREATNESS so it impacts how we feel and live?
  • Þ What is a Biblical Definition of FAITH? What does a life of faith look like for you?
    • o 2 Corinthians 5:7
  • Þ How can we display love for one another effectively in our Growth Group? In our church family?  In our community?
    • o How is this love different than what the world has to offer?
    • o How does experiencing Jesus love provide the model, and fuel to love this way?

More Signs:

  • Þ What is the meant by the Gospel bearing fruit?
    • o How does your life show this fruit?
    • o How does God produce this in your life, and how do you pursue this with discipline?
    • o How do we see this in the whole world?
  • Þ What does it mean to surrender fully to Jesus?
    • o How does the term, “slave”, in verse 7 help us to understand this?
    • o Why do you think people have trouble with surrendering sometimes?
      • Where do you find it hard to surrender?
    • o How does knowing God is good help us to surrender to Him completely?
      • Romans 8:32

Pastor Rob’s Implications Were: Be Thankful; Be Dependent, Be Passionate…How can you apply this to your life, and check for the marks, and in dependence on God and in thanksgiving for His work in you, pursue them?


  • We are a praying church. This week, take the time to thank God for those who help us to be safe, focusing on Remembrance Day, and those who have died for our freedom in Canada, but also on police, fire, and ambulance…
  • Thank God for what He is doing in your life, and the life of our church family, focused on the 7 Marks…
  • Pray for our elders and deacons…
  • Pray for ministries that people in your group attend, or serve in.


Other Prayer Requests:



Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Samaritan’s Purse OCC Shoeboxes are available for pick-up in the foyer.  Please fill the shoeboxes with necessities and a toy to bless a child and return by Sunday,  Nov. 12th. If you have any questions please contact Lorraine Moen.

Church Family Games Night

Sat. Nov. 25th / 6:30 pm / Fellow. Hall An evening of board games, 9 Square in the Air, and gym games with friends and family! Snacks and beverages will be provided and the mothers room will be available for mothers with infants.

New Adult Classes

Starting this Sunday at 9:00am. Learn more about our new classes here >

Ladies Night Out

Sat. Dec. 9th / 6 – 8:30 Pm / Fellow. Hall Join us for a fun, festive and Christ-centred event as we focus on Jesus as Light of the World and get to know one another! Tickets are $15 per person and will go on sale after church service from Nov. 5th-Dec. 3rd. View schedule >

Identify and Reshape Your Worldview

▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast Our behaviour is driven by our worldview. How can we reshape it to align with God's Word and help others do the same?  Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts,  Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as well as on our website.

