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Did the Devil Make You Do it?

To God’s Beloved at Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Welcome to the New Year…and if you are one of those who say it is almost identical to the Old Year, but colder, then choose this day to make it better!

How you say? Great question! 

There are many ways, but one of the best is to seek to find your identity in Christ and overflow in holiness and love.  This will mean you see yourself as a steward, not an owner, so find places to invest who you are and what you have, where you are…and you will have a better 24. 

A few clean up things from Sunday service:

You have a spiritual gift (if you are an authentic Christian) and if you don’t use it to build the bride of Jesus, you will not grow as you could, and the body of Christ will not be as beautiful as she could be.  Serving Jesus will always include serving in the local church, and church is essential…so we should give and live like we believe that!

How are you now serving Jesus bride at CBC?

Does it show you believe what God’s Word teaches?

Cowboys lost, so I am clearly more pathetic than prophetic.  Graeme is still in our home (Packers Fan), but now has to pay triple the rent…(for the many who miss my humour, triple of zero is…..), and Lori likes the house warm…

Discipleship Hour started with more children than usual, and the two adult classes total was also a high point in terms of numbers (Pastor Thomas is always great for our youth).  I would like a do-over for my class, so come ready for less slides, more interaction, and discussion on SPIRITUAL WARFARE, what it is, how to fight, and why it is important to get our doctrine of demons from the Bible not demons.  It is my belief that one of the reasons we are apathetic or angry about the wrong things is we don’t engage in the spiritual battle as we should.  Come learn what it is biblically, and how to have victory in this battle we are in!

I have heard great reports on the content and teacher for the Grandparenting class, so encourage you to see discipleship as important, and join us in this endeavor as an encouragement to others and a blessing for your own heart…Looking forward to seeing you there.

The Gospel Coalition is sending two men here to help us in the lower mainland understand what they are doing, and to grow together.  They both would love a place to stay that saves the organization money, so if you have room for one or both of them, January 21 – 23, that would be great.  They promise not to be at your place very often…if you do have space, please let Lori know at

Sunday is coming, and we have the privilege of hearing from the current chairman of the Gospel Coalition, Dwayne Kline.  He comes with a passion for God’s glory, and many years of pastoral ministry.

He will be preaching from John 11, and I look forward to an encouraging sermon from a great man of God and leader.

Hope you have an amazing week, and each week is a little better than the one before because you are living in the presence of the LORD.

Filled with joy from Him, and seeking your joy,

Pastor Rob

Growth Group Questions:

Encountering Death – John 11:1-44

Death is an inevitable reality for all of us. We either face the death of a loved one or we face death ourselves. Death is unnatural and at times lays us bare. We grieve the loss of loved ones. Jesus experienced the death of a close friend. He wept at His grave. He also declares that He is resurrection and life. His declaration of being both resurrection and life changes how we understand death, granting us hope, even when engaging loss.

  • How do the four major themes of John’s gospel emerge in John 11?
  • What are some reasons they all culminate in this chapter?
  • What is Jesus declaring when He states that He is resurrection and life? Why does Jesus weep at Lazarus’ tomb when He knows He’s going to raise him from the dead?
  • How can someone be at peace with God while being angry at death? Death has impacted all of us, how has death impacted you?
  • How can we walk alongside someone who is grieving the loss of a family member or friend?
  • If you have recently experienced the loss of a loved one, share that with the group so they can pray for you.
  • If someone in your life is facing terminal illness or you have a friend or family member who has recently experienced the loss of a loved one, talk about ways you can minister to them this week and pray for them.


Get Involved Today!

If you wish to serve in a ministry, fill out our Get Involved form or contact our Volunteer Coordinator. One of our current needs is Parking Lot Attendants, but volunteers are needed in other ministries as well.

Discipleship Classes

Resuming Sun. January 14th at 9AM Our Discipleship Classes is on a short break and will return on January 14th at 9:00am with new classes for all ages. Learn more about our classes >

Family Games Afternoon

Saturday, Jan. 27th / 1–4 PM / Church An afternoon of board games and gym activities with friends and family! Snacks and beverages will be provided and the mothers room will be available for mothers with infants.

Dad & Daughter Event

Sat. Feb. 10th / 2:00 PM / Gym A special event for girls ages 4-12 and their dad, grandpa, or uncle. Featuring a facilitated craft—planting and decorating a flower pot, a message about raising daughters by one of our Men's Ministry leaders, and ice cream sundaes for everyone. Register at the Women's Ministries table in the foyer, $5 per family (space is limited).

Missions Evening

Sun. Feb. 11th / 7:00 pm / Fellow. Hall Julie Gibson, one of our missionaries serving with WEC, will be reporting on her ministry work.