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Welcome To 2017

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

The New Year has begun with a cold snap.  Feels like I am back in Calgary, and the clear skies and snow is a nice break from the rain!  Drive carefully...especially on the side streets...

As 2017 begins, be encouraged to put into practice the three key disciplines of grace in your life for this year.  Make sure you are spending time in God's Word, hearing and longing to obey it.  If you are spending more time in the world, than the Word, you will become more like the culture than Christ.  Try to read through the Bible this year with us as a church.  If you start and fail, but read more than you would have otherwise, it is a success.  Commit to making attendance and service at Cloverdale Baptist Church a consistent pattern in your life!  Being a healthy part of the family of God is one of the most important things you can do to grow.  Prepare your hearts, come looking to receive from God's Word, and give God's love.  The third discipline of grace is PRAYER.  We know that we are dependent people, and unless God works with power in our church and lives we will not succeed at anything we do.  If you would like to join my prayer team, let me know...if you would rather not, please make sure that your communication with God includes a time of praise, petition, and thanksgiving.  Active prayer is a sure way of patterning growth, and impacting eternity!  We are to pray always about everything, and we know this is the will of God for us and will bring peace!  As we pray the hand of God moves, and we grow deeper in our relationship with Him.

Remember you are right now becoming who you will be!

Sunday School Starts On January 8, for all ages.

We are planning a BAPTISM this month, so if you have not been baptized as a believer, we would love to be a part of this obedient step in your life.  Please contact one of our pastors if you would like to learn more, and choose to obey Jesus.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Don't Miss Your Purpose:  Make Disciples

Text:  Matthew 28:16-20

Why do you think that we spend so much time on things that don't really matter?

What is the most important thing in your life?

What is the thing right now that you do that is the top waster of time in your life?

As you meditate on Ephesians 2:10 and Matthew 28:16-20, what do you think that God has for you this year?

If you could describe your purpose for living in one sentence, what would it be?

How can we make sure our purpose in life lines up with God's purpose for us?

I am very excited about what God is doing in our congregation, and looking forward to a 2017 filled with purpose, and accomplishing many things beyond our potential!

It is a joy to serve with you, and shepherd you,

Pastor Rob