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Romans: Nothing Can Separate Me

Over the centuries there have been millions of letters written and sent, but none in all of history that have had the impact of the letter of Romans.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, written by Paul, Romans is life changing. It changed the life of a man living for himself in the summer of 386, when hearing “take and read”, he took and read Romans. Through the power of the Spirit, Romans changed Augustine’s life, and through his life so many more in his generation and beyond.

This letter changed the life of a broken monk, who in August of 1513 while lecturing on the book of Psalms, discovered the power of Romans 1:17, and the glory of grace and was wonderfully saved. Martin Luther led the Reformation as an overflow of his understanding of the book of Romans. We continue to learn from him and through him and his experience, we rejoice in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Martin Luther praised Romans: “It is the chief part of the New Testament and the perfect gospel...the absolute epitome of the gospel.

A young man, passionate about religion, but lost in his sin, reluctantly went to a small Bible study, where Romans was being studied. On May 24, 1738, he heard Martin Luther’s commentary on this great letter being read, and in John Wesley’s own words, “While he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for my salvation, and an assurance was given me that he had taken my sins away, even mine.” John Wesley was saved that night in London, and the church around the world awakened through his passionate following of Jesus.

In continuation of what we started in October 2018 at Cloverdale Baptist Church, we follow others who have studied this letter—together we will “tolle lege, tolle lege (take up and read, take up and read)”. I believe that God will use this precious letter through the power of His Spirit to change our lives individually and awaken us to a deeper experience of the Gospel. I am not ashamed of the Gospel! Prayerfully join us in this journey through the greatest letter ever written, with the goal of living a life of obedience to the faith for the sake of His name among the nations (Romans 1:5).

Romans: Not Ashamed of the Gospel

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