Media Resources


We hope you find these resources helpful both to equip and to encourage. Select a title of interest to access the desired resource.

Our Sunday services are live-streamed each week from 10:30am (PST).


Access the sermon archive to watch or listen to our sermons.


Our Discipleship Classes are available to all ages on Sundays at 9:00am.


Examining the Scriptures

A range of teaching videos from past bible studies, conferences, and more.

An excellent online resource to study God's Word and grow in your spiritual walk.


Interviews, announcements, and other interactive content.


Read through the entire Bible in one year with CBC using this reading schedule.


A network of churches that is seeking renewal in God's churches, with a unique voice in Canada.

Other Helpful Links

We trust these links will be helpful to you as you seek to grow in Christ. Please remember that these sites are external to Cloverdale Baptist Church and we cannot control the content found on these sites and may not fully agree with statements made on these sites.

Gospel Coalition Canada
The Gospel Coalition Canada is a gospel centric network of churches

Gospel Coalition USA
Equipping the next generation for gospel-faithful ministry and promote church reform and culture transformation. Led by Tim Keller and Don Carson

Desiring God
Online ministry of John Piper

Grace to You
Online Canadian ministry of Dr. John MacArthur

One Passion Ministries
The Preaching and Teaching Ministry of Dr. Steven J. Lawson

Bible Gateway
Online Bible and resources

Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

A great tool for discipleship journal

Joshua Project (Frontiers)
An overview of the people groups of the world

CBC Leadership Resources