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Stop, Start, Stay

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is good to be home!  We as a church belong to a NETWORK of churches called TGC, in fact are founding members of TGC-Canada.  It was great to connect with the leaders of this network again and to enjoy time together studying God's Word, dreaming about God's vision, and interacting on key issues facing the Canadian church.  It is so good to belong to a family of churches that is so passionate about the Gospel and living life on mission in this great country.   

Next week I am preaching and teaching at the TGC-Atlantic Canada conference for pastors in Halifax.  Truly a privilege, and I covet your prayers as I travel and seek to honour God and impact other pastors with His Word.  I get to teach on what it means to live a Gospel Centred Life, and preach on the end of Colossians 3, and know that as God's Spirit fills me and uses me I can change lives (and your prayers are a key part of this!)

STOP:  Speaking in a way that is negative or in any way discourages God's people.  Was talking with some friends this week and they shared overhearing someone being very critical of a ministry in the church.  They disagreed, but were also concerned that it might discourage other people.  Please don't let this be you!  The Bible, when helping us pursue Jesus and life for His glory calls for us to stop, so in this case, STOP letting any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth.  If you are struggling in an area and need someone to talk with, ask an elder for coffee and we will seek to pray through your struggle and pursue excellence for the glory of God.  Pastor Ray says, "if you are critical, stop and pray"  I like it.  

START:  Ephesians 4:29 not only tells us to stop the negative, it also tells us to START the positive, or what is useful for building others up.  Today...send a note, write in a card, make a phone call, stop someone in the mall...choose to be an encourager.  You can make someones day, simply by noticing them and being a blessing.  Now, make sure you read this to the end, TALK BEHIND SOMEONE'S BACK about how wonderful they are, or the blessing they have been to you or the ministry you have noticed that they have to others.  Just as negativity is contagious, so is BLESSING, so choose God's way and start and stop.

STAY:  Committed to God's people.  I was so encouraged this morning in staff meeting as many of our staff reported the amazing reality of many people stepping up and serving in our church family.  Find a place to serve, and build into the lives of people around you, and don't stop growing.  We are getting healthier and I praise God for you, your active faith, and your willing service.  THANK YOU!

VOTE:  Please be in prayer for our election here in Canada, be aware of the issues and be a GREAT CANADIAN CITIZEN and VOTE!  It was a joy for me to vote with my family on Monday (Travelling next Monday) and two of our boys voted for the very first time.  Elections Matter!

CONFERENCE:  We are only a few days away from our THINKING conference.  I am excited about how many other churches will be joining us and the content of the weekend.  There is still time for you to come (walk up) and join us, and have many questions answered that your friends may be asking as you seek to lead them into a relationship with Jesus.  Apologetics not only deepen our own strength in standing firm, but they also help us remove questions from others who are struggling.  We also hope that it will help us to answer questions for those struggling with doubt in our own families and perhaps, even in your own life.  JOIN US AND INVITE A FRIEND!

Sunday Is Coming:

Please take the time to prepare your heart and mind for receiving God's Word:

Title:  Pressing On:  LIFE IN COMMUNITY
Text:  Ephesians 4:1-16

  • Why is it important to love the local church?
  • What would display a love for the local church in your life?
  • What is the danger of not being committed to a local church?
  • What are your spiritual gifts?
  • How can you grow to be more of a blessing to the local church here at CBC in the coming months?
  • Where are you serving now?  

Thank you for being a great family!

I am thankful for the privilege of serving you!
Pastor Rob