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Culture of Discipleship: Gospel Orientation

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Thank you for joining me in seeking to live together on mission for God and His glory.  It is a privilege to partner with you in the Gospel!

When we talk about who we believe God wants us to be as a natural overflow of being filled with the Holy Spirit, we call that our CULTURE.  Yes we want to have great programs that help us achieve the goals that God has given us, however we want it to be a part of who we are as the church of Jesus, as individuals and then as partners in the Gospel!  We covered these last year, but it is really good to have reminders...especially if this is who we want to be at the core of our culture.

We believe God wants us to have a CULTURE OF EVANGELISM:  That each of us as an overflow of our first love devotion to God will ENGAGE in INVESTING, INVITING and INCLUDING.

We believe God wants us to have a CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP. 

This is of course the Great Commission, and a disciple is someone who has had Christ formed in them.  Often people think that the Great Commission is about evangelism, and although it includes evangelism, really it is about forming Christ in people, or as Matthew 28 would define it, teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded.

So we want to be a church that is missionally making disciples, and creating the culture that sees this ministry as one that is pursued in our homes as well.  

All followers of Jesus (those who believe in the Gospel) are disciples.  A Disciples goal is to be like their teacher (Luke 6:40).  To know God’s Word, and to obey it in every of their life.  To be driven and defined by their relationship with God. 

The foundation of a CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP is GOSPEL ORIENTATION…or as some would like to describe it, being GRACE INFUSED.

The Gospel is about what God has done for us in Christ Jesus.  When we grasp the richness of His grace it not only frees us from condemnation, it focuses our lives on Christ pleasing.  Grace saves and teaches (Titus 3:12-14), and the context of grace is key in the pursuit of godliness for it reminds us that we meet God’s requirements by grace through faith, and that we pursue Christ-likeness because of this.

Grace is not only about receiving God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense, it is also about receiving the power and experience to live life for His glory in freedom and full devotion.  Gospel orientation is a lifelong preoccupation, and gives freedom and energy to the pursuit of godliness, or discipleship process.

So, start and stay with the Gospel and you will have the power to succeed for God’s glory as you work out your salvation with His work in you to accomplish it (Philippians 2:12-13).

We will talk more next week about the CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP and the discipline that it takes, with the understanding that this discipline is always built on relationship and in grace, the help of the Holy Spirit.  You are made righteous in Jesus, and on that reality of being IN CHRIST as your core identity, you can build a healthy life of following Jesus.

We long for a CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP!  It begins and builds in a healthy way, only where the GOSPEL ORIENTATION is its foundation.

Following The Master With You And For You,

Pastor Rob


You matter not only for the growth you can gain by joining in, but also the love you can give.  YOU MATTER...SO ENGAGE!

Sunday Is Coming:

One of the areas we want to help one another with is preparing prayerfully for maximum impact on Sunday mornings.

Please pray that I would preach God’s Word faithfully in the power of the Holy Spirit, that your heart would be prepared to grow in knowledge and intimacy with God, and that together we would be a place filled with love and grace.

Sermon Title:  Faith In A Fallen World:

Text:  Habakkuk 1:1-11 

We want to be a church that preaches the whole counsel of God, so work hard at preaching from all of its precious whole.  This includes the Minor Prophets, and we begin a series on a book that has impacted the protestant world perhaps as much as any other.  In many ways the Reformation was built on Galatians and Romans, and their use of this book.  It is a book that places a confused prophet asking questions about life and his situation, to God, and in the process learning who God is and aligning with Him.

It is a reminder that humble questions are good, and God is always right and at work.  It is written in the time of Zephaniah and Jeremiah, and perhaps Ezekiel and Daniel, although we are not absoulutely sure in terms of timing, and it shows us the heart of someone longing for God to move in power in the people of God and for their protection, and against the sinful world around.

We have the privilege of listening into the dialogue of this book, and growing with Habakkuk to faith in light of all of life, even when the ways of God confuse us.

Take the time to read the book of Habakkuk in its context…it is a short book, and oen that I would love for us to know well as we dig into its content over the next five weeks.

Focus on 1:1-11…

  • What should you do when you don’t understand the ways of God?
  • How is it helpful to remember that God is always active and aware?
  • What can we do to notice the work of God in our lives and midst?
  • How can you be honest before God with your questions without losing your faith?


Discipleship Classes All Ages

Sundays at 9:00 AM We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all! Every Sunday at 9am we'll have an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Check out our classes >

Habits of Grace Conference

Oct. 25 & 26, 2024 / Cloverdale Baptist We are excited to announce the Habits of Grace Conference in partnership with Desiring God! Guest speaker David Mathis, executive editor for, will be joining Pastor Rob to delve into how spiritual disciplines can deepen our joy in Christ. Breakout sessions specifically designed for men, women, youth, and couples will focus on spiritual growth. Lunch provided. Register today! 

Widow to Widow Kickoff Lunch

Sun, Oct. 6th / after service / Room 246 We welcome widows of all stages on their journey to join us for a meal and a time of encouragement. For more info, contact the church office.

Women's Retreat Registration

November 1st–3rd / Cedar springs, WA A 3-day retreat with a focus on building gospel friendships with special guest speaker Bronwyn Short, fun activities, and time to relax. Childcare will also be offered to mothers with infants. Register here >