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To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Your walk with God is the most important thing about you, and more and more we want to be a people that are growing in our godliness.  This takes the Spirit’s work, and passionate discipline…so…JOIN US AT OUR HABITS OF GRACE CONFERENCE.

Habits of Grace Conference

Oct. 25 & 26, 2024 / Cloverdale Baptist Each registration includes a free copy of the Habits of Grace book, lunch, and childcare! There’s still lots of room, so register today!

The reason we want to invest in doing events like this at our church is so that our people can come and learn from teachers that are world class…so please take advantage of this.  If you struggle with the fee, especially if you are a larger family and want everyone to come, let the office know and we will help.

Thanksgiving is over…Thankfully we still have some left-over turkey, but one of my favourite meals (and celebrations) has come and gone.  Hopefully our thanksgiving continues on all year, as we are to be a Gospel Oriented thankful people in all circumstances.  This is not easy, and the deeper we experience God’s love the more our thanksgiving will supersede our circumstances…another reason to grow deeper so that our joy and impact is wider.

Let us be a THANKFUL people always, as we remember the great gift of our salvation, and the purpose of our lives.


This week we go to the polls as a Province, and it is important that we don’t place our hope in politics, and that we are the best citizens possible so we vote and engage in the democratic process.  For me it is harder and harder to choose a candidate as we move further and further away from Judeo Christian values, so what should you remember when you go to vote, and when you are doing your research on who to vote for? 

  • Pray:  We are commanded to pray for God’s will and God’s Kingdom, and for our leaders.  Start and stay in a spirit of prayer as election season ramps up.
  • Pursue: Find out where the leaders stand and compare to what you believe is best for our country.  It is important to be educated on what the candidates are saying and their track record.  There is a lot of noise, and no perfect candidate, so seek to work through what you believe to be God’s best and vote accordingly.
  • Act:  Vote for the person you think will most help us to accomplish God's will and what will be best for our province.
  • Rest: God is Sovereign and our trust is in Him, and not the outcome of elections.  We can rest in His great wisdom even if the person we voted for is not in power (Proverbs 21:1; Isaiah 40).
  • Act:  Live your life as a good citizen in Canada for the glory of God and the building of His Kingdom.  Fixate on what God wants you to and live on mission for Him and His glory in the confidence that He will build His church...(1 Peter 2:11-12)
  • Pray: Pray for whoever gets into government, pray that they would know Jesus and that we would be able to live free and fully devoted in this great nation for many years to come (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

In the midst of this messy world where even the best on the ballot seem lacking, it is good to remember that our hope is in heaven, and although I love my country and province, my hope is in heaven (1 Peter 2:11-12).

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Faith Filled Prayer

Habakkuk 3:1-2

Take the time to read all three chapters this week as you prepare for the meal God has for you on Sunday.

It is good to know the context, and the prayer of Habakkuk 3 is made even more powerful by the confusion and questions that leads to it.

  • How does his prayer show his humility before God?
  • How can we be truly humble in our experience of God and in our prayer life? 
  • What does it mean to fear the LORD? 
  • Why is our view of God so important, and how does this chapter help shape our view of God in the midst of the chaos of life?
  • How can our humility and view of God drive us to prayer in the midst of the brokenness of life?
  • What are some ways that you can actively improve your prayer life this week as you prepare for Sunday and partnering with God’s people in praise and passionate pursuit?


Memorial Services at Cloverdale Baptist

  • Katherine Grice: Thursday, Oct. 17th at 11:00am
  • Silas Ricky Janzen: Saturday, Oct. 19th at 2:00pm

Habits of Grace Conference

Oct. 25 & 26, 2024 / Cloverdale Baptist Each registration includes a free copy of the Habits of Grace book, lunch, and childcare! There’s still lots of room, so register today!

Newcomers Lunch New Date

Nov. 10th / After Service / Fellow. Hall New to Cloverdale Baptist? Join us for lunch on November 10th after the service! We’ll share with you who we are, our beliefs, and make you aware of our ministries. No registration is required.

Samaritan's Purse Christmas Child

Shoeboxes are available for pick-up in the foyer. Please fill them with necessities and a toy to bless a child and return them by Sunday, Nov. 17th.

Thanksgiving Offering

This year's Thanksgiving Offering will be in support of Dan Gibson's film project and will remain open until Oct. 31st. Please mark your envelopes or electronic gifts "Thanksgiving Offering".

CBC Bursaries for Post-Secondary

The Homer Edwards bursary is to help those who want to serve God in full-time or part-time ministry and are pursuing post-secondary education to that end. The Chapman Bursary is for those who are in full time study for personal development and/or ministry preparation at a CBC-approved post-secondary Bible school, Bible college or seminary. Applications available at the Ministry Desk, info wall, or contact Pastor Thomas at Apply by Nov. 3rd.
