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In the Storm

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

Last week my little brother called, he is doing some artwork in the extra time he has (he is the creative one in the family, music, art, etc.) and asked for our favourite Bible story as a family.  I love the story found in Mark 4 about a storm that Jesus is in with the disciples.  They are fisherman, so they know that this storm is really a big deal, and they know that their lives are in they wake Jesus up (sleeping if you can believe it) and in their panic cry out for His help.  He rebukes the wind and the storm with words, and all is calm and then he rebukes these fisherman (and others) for their lack of faith.  I love this story because I am sometimes like those fishermen, and in real danger cry out to Jesus, and like those fisherman, need this reminder that He is Sovereign and good, and that we can trust Him in the storm.  The more our view of God is biblical the more we can rest rather than reel when trials come!

It is good to rest in the Sovereign care of God, who is with us to the very end of the age, including through pandemics!

REMEMBER to send in your pictures, we want to have the opportunity to see one another in the midst of all of joining together online, and the more pictures we get of God's people at CBC joining in our Bible Studies, and Sunday morning services the better!

In our mid-week Bible studies we are seeing great engagement, and thank you for tuning in.  We are studying CERTAINTY IN UNCERTAIN times, and it is so good to be a part of a church family that follows God with boldness even as we see around us mountains that are shifting...this week we focus treasuring the church, God's certain plan a!  If you love Jesus, you will love the local church, and the more mature you are, the more you will live your life in a healthy community commitment.

REMEMBER especially as this continues to drag on, we need you to help us to stay connected.  Please call, email, connect, and pray together and share the love of God with one another.  We will be known by our love for one another, and ever increasing if each of us will own this responsibility and choose to instigate this connectedness!

Thank you:  For giving to the LORD.  We continue to praise God for your faithfulness in giving to the church.  It is amazing to be a part of this family that takes this responsibility so seriously.  THANK YOU!  Please continue to make this a priority as we head into the summer months!  We are SO BLESSED!

Sunday Is Coming:

Text:  Romans 10:1-15
Title:  Prayer & The Passionate Pathway

Trusting in the Sovereignty of God in salvation (election) will always lead into a pursuit of those who don't know Jesus when it is biblically understood.

Romans 9 is one of the greatest passages on the greatness of God, and the questions this creates, it is followed by a passionate overflow of the heart of Paul for those who don't know Jesus.

  • What does this tell us about religious zeal?
  • Why is it important to realize that salvation is by grace alone?
  • How does Romans 9 help with this?
  • What does this passage teach that we must do to be saved?
  • Review your own walk with God and faith, and heart for the lost.  Do you have a big view of God that leads to a longing to show other people how great He is?
  • If not, how can you grow in this?

Looking forward to another week of seeking God's glory together, and as partners in the Gospel, I am thankful for you, and encourage you to invite others into our sphere of influence as a church.  Watch the service and interact on it with others, listen to the Bible study, and then be a blessing by helping them be secure and certain in uncertain times!

In Faith, and a deep devotion to His local church here,  

Pastor Rob


Please note that Yohan Park has been approved in the process of membership.  Please pray for him, and as per our process, we are publishing his name for two weeks (this counts as our bulletin in the current situation) and we ask that if you have any questions you let us know.

So excited that the membership process continues, if you would like to join an online class or take the next steps, please let us know!