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Consider God

To God's Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

It is so good to be a part of the family of God.  Sunday was precious as we saw baptisms, and rejoiced together in unified worship and study of God's Word!  It is good to gather, even if it is online with the family of God!  Thank you for continuing to make this a priority, noticed and appreciated :)  We are seeking to do a live service as we feel that this is closest to the gathering we are commanded to as we can be right now.

It is difficult to be living in the time of a pandemic.  I know that there is much that has gone on before us, and much that will go on after, and comparing suffering to suffering is not always easy, but it has been hard.  Was reading a devotional from Joni this morning, and she shared that suffering displays the heart of the person who is under pressure.  It squeezes out who we are, and if responded to correctly is something that will perfect us (James 1).  We are to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of various kinds, and although difficult, it would seem essential if we want to conform our lives to the image of Jesus.  So this week, as you continue with us on this pandemic journey (and whatever else is going on in your life) take the time to consider God, and your ultimate goals in life, and find in that the joy that is needed to display who God is and how great the Gospel impact on our lives has been!

Keystone Habits For Growth:  Last week we discussed the importance of learning to preach to ourselves:

The second habit of GRACE that every follower of Jesus must have if they are to grow and have a relationship with Jesus that drives and defines them is PURSUIT.  A passionate pursuit of being WORD SATURATED.  

  • Colossians 3:17-18
  • Psalm 119:11
  • John 17:17
  • Psalm 138:1-2; Isaiah 66:2

God's Word is His self revelation of who He is, what He has done, and what He requires from us.  This means that all followers of Jesus will want to know it, love it, hide it in their hearts.  One of the chief ways that the flesh, world and demonic realm fight against Christians is by trying to add to God's Word, take away from it, or have them ignore it.  It would seem in the North American church that this is a tremendous danger that is like a pandemic virus infecting the church.  We fight this by being aware of it, and taking the steps to fight it personally and corporately.  

Study God's Word, Memorize God's Word, Love To Listen To God's Word Preached, Read God's Word, in fact, like a new born baby...CRAVE IT!

I think at Cloverdale Baptist Church we do this well, but it is always good to have a REMINDER in our lives and to long to more and more know the God of the Bible. Take the time to hear from God every day, and to love Him by longing to know what His Word says and obeying it. This summer, learn to PREACH the Gospel to yourself, and find in that FREDOM and FULL DEVOTION, and learn to saturate yourself with God's Word so that you live your life for the glory of God and always are growing.

This will always make us a little uncomfortable in the world we live in, and it will make us shine as those who live with hope!

Prayer Meetings:  There will be prayer meetings at our church over the summer that are elder led.  Tonight (June 23) Ken will be leading, and then starting on July 8, we will have these every week, with a brief look at a Psalm, and extended time in unified prayer.

Gospel Culture:  This week we are starting a NEW SERIES for our Bible studies.  They are a focus on what it means to be a part of a Gospel Culture.  The first is an explanation of what it means to be a Gospel culture, after that we are hoping that we can produce videos that you can watch with non-church people and answer some of the questions that they might have about the Gospel.  Encourage you to watch, and engage...and these will be released on Thursday's.

Camp In A Box:  Reminder to be in prayer for our Kids Ministry and all that is going on here with Camp In A Box!  Sign up online to take part, and pray that we would have a huge impact on children who attend CBC and those in our community.

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  Jesus Is The King
Text:  Psalm 2

We are starting our summer series in the Psalms, where we will spend time in the Song Book of the Bible.  It is one of the most precious places to go in God's Word, and a place of joy and peace in the midst of any storm!

  • Read Psalm 1-2
  • Acts 4 says that this Psalm is about Jesus, as you reflect on what you have read, what do you notice in the Psalm that is about Jesus?
  • How do we now rage against God and His Word?
  • In this Psalm we find the only place in the Bible where God is laughing.  Why does He laugh here?  What does this teach us about God?
  • What does it mean to fear the LORD?
  • What are some active steps you can take to make Him your REFUGE?

I am so glad I am a part of the family of God! 

Thankful with you that Jesus is KING,  

Pastor Rob 

Announcement of General Business Meeting

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020  7:00 p.m. Online Zoom Meeting

The following will be considered at the above meeting:

General business items and the following Special Resolutions:

  • THAT the 2020/21 budget be approved as presented.
  • THAT the following be elected as Deacons to serve for 2-year terms, effective September 1, 2020:
    • Dave Esau – Finance (New)
    • Albert Chuang – Fellowship (Re-elect)
    • Wilf Radke – Interior Properties (Re-elect)
    • Wes Osterman – Hospitality (Re-elect).
  • THAT the following be affirmed for 3-year terms as Elders, effective September 1, 2020:
    • Emilio Cabrera
    • Raed Guirguis
    • Heinz Nienkaemper.
  • THAT Judi Turner be appointed as Church Clerk for a 2-year term effective September 1, 2020