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Living in a Christocracy with Joy

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church: 

Welcome to Johnny and Darlene!  We praise God that He has called you through His people to serve Him with us as partners in the Gospel at CBC, with Johnny as our Worship Director.  As you guide us in the engagement of our minds, hearts, and voices in worship of our KING at CBC, we will pray for you, and welcome you as a part of our family!  This is something the Father seeks in us as we long to worship Him in spirit and truth! 

Welcome to Mitch and Catherine!  We are thankful that you have agreed to come and serve us as a Worship Associate, and to help in other areas that we have needs in as a church family.  As you serve Him, and us, we welcome you and are delighted that we can partner in the Gospel with you, and welcome you as a part of our family!

It is good and right to praise God for our unity as a church, especially as we come out of what has been so divisive in the world.  Sunday we voted on a new Worship Director and the vote was overwhelmingly supportive of this direction.  During COVID we have had a number of congregational meetings, and not only have people participated actively in prayer and pursuing God’s will with us, we have found incredible unity over things that could be divisive at the best of times (budgets, worship ministries, etc.) and so for that I am grateful to God.  THANK YOU for showing your maturity in submitting to the Lordship of Christ, speaking up where you disagree in a unifying manner, and joining us in the passionate pursuit of God's will as a family.  This is our only hope for unity in the world we now live in that seems to be filled with ditches of despair and disloyalty to God and His bride on all sides.  THANK YOU!

Cloverdale Baptist Church, our maturity and commitment to God shows in our pursuit of His will His way, and the unity we have as we pursue it together.  Thank you!  I am grateful!

For a Christocracy to work in a way that glorifies God, your prayers, full devotion to God, and voicing what you believe to be His will in our meetings are KEY in finding His leadership on issues not addressed clearly in the Bible.  THANK YOU FOR JOINING US IN THIS!  It is a joy to serve in a church where Christ is the head, and you care about His will His way.

We had many that wanted to participate that were on holidays, or still uncomfortable in coming to church events, and that level of commitment to God and His bride is HUGELY appreciated!  THANK YOU! 

KEEP PRAYING and MAKING PRAYER A PRIORITY, as well as full submission to Christ through submission to His Word and the polity we follow as His people at CBC!  Join us at the prayer meetings on Tuesday nights, as an opportunity to gather and grow in our dependence together on Him.  A church that prays together will experience His transforming power in submission to Him, and the fullness of the Spirit.

GREAT NEWS:  Kids Ministry is starting to ramp up again on Sunday mornings.  This means on August 8, 2021 we will have a staffed nursery, as well as a staffed ministry up to age 2.  We are seeking more volunteers so that we can offer ministry to the 3, 4 and 5’s as well, so please volunteer!  Kids ministry is not only hugely important for discipleship, it allows parents to focus on the message from God’s Word!  So, great news, and we need volunteers.  Please contact, or if you are willing to serve Jesus in these areas with us.

As a dad, and senior pastor I want to express my deep appreciation for the way you have supported, prayed for and blessed Jeff in his role as interim worship director.  Jeff served with a deep love and loyalty to the church that was amazing, and you saw this, and voiced this so repeatedly to us (Lori and I), and Jeff, and for that we are truly grateful.  Your gifts, love, and support in words and prayers are DEEPLY APPRECIATED.  We covet your prayers as he takes his next steps in following God’s call on his life as a teacher. 

Jeff has expressed to me his overwhelmed heart in your love for him and Hannah, and how you have blessed him verbally and beyond.  THANK YOU CBC for being a wonderful family.  Jeff just said to me, "this was one of, if not the greatest privilege of my life, to serve my church family".  THANK YOU!  May his kind increase.

Thank you also for the way you are giving to the LORD.  We know that how you invest your time, treasures and talents in the local church is a direct reflection of your faith in Him, and living life for Him, and we have seen Him take care of His local church here through you.  Thank you, and may you continue to give in a way that displays that you know Him, and delight in the authenticity of the Gospel.

Sunday Is Coming

God has been teaching us so much through our study of Malachi, and the importance of authenticity and living as though God exists, because He does.  Eric Alexander defines it as, "the danger of losing touch with the living God".

  • His Sovereign Love
  • Authentic Worship that costs and prioritizes Him over self
  • Caring for His community self sacrificially
  • Valuing marriage, and family as He defines it

It has been for me a book that is so relevant and caused me to be so thankful for His word and the prophets.  I have fallen in love more and more with this great book.

Text:  Malachi 2:17-3:5

Title:  How You See The World Changes How You Live In The World:

  • Why is it important to make sure we are not worldly in our thinking, but saturated with God’s Word?
    • Romans 12:1-2
    • Colossians 3:16-18
  • Why should we learn not to lean on our own understanding?
    • Proverbs 3:5-6 
  • How can we learn to do this, in a world that seems to have gone mad in seeking to cause us to believe it’s narrative, through main stream media, or the internet’s conspiracy theories? 
  • How can we keep our lives pure from the thinking of the world?  Be practical!
  • What does it mean to acknowledge Him in all our ways?
  • How does this particularly show in our struggles in pain, or difficulties?
  • How can you make sure that your view of God is biblical, and not boxed by the narratives of the world or your traditions?

So thankful to be called to serve you, FOR CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE,  

Pastor Rob

Stay informed and connected!


Please connect with at least 3 people and encourage them, share the Gospel with at least 1 other person, and invite someone to church on Sunday.

If we live as though God is real, because He is, our GOSPEL IMPACT this coming year will be massive!