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Good Works To Walk In, With God and for God

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church: 

Faith is the key to pleasing God, and the core of all who are found in Christ.  What is faith?  I am reading a book that defines it as, “treasuring Jesus above all else”, and although I think the definition could include other things (the book does), the definition is very helpful in showing us the authentic Christianity is way more than a transaction, it is a relationship.  That faith is more than intellectual consent, or affirmation of truths, it is an embracing of God and His ways as best and right!

Oh that we would live lives of faith, and that these lives would show others the immense value of Jesus and the wonder of the Gospel.  May our lives be lived in devotion to God, delight in His ways, and a treasuring of Him that displays to all the value we place on Him.

Summer months are a great time for reading and reflection, and as we contemplate the coming ministry year, a time of excitement and renewal.

There is much that is exciting as we seek to ENGAGE with God, one another, and ministry, and seek a growing excellence in everything that He has prepared in advance for us to do. 

What do we need from each of us to grow in our desire to be who God wants us to be?

  1. Personal Devotion To God:

This will mean a distaste for sin, and a delight in God.  The one thing that will hold us back the most is sin in the camp (the Achan principle).

May our God help us to find in Him an absolute righteousness, and in the power of the Spirit a growing holiness as we seek to love Him more and more!

Let us be individuals who put to death the deeds of the flesh in the power of the Spirit, and taste and see that the LORD is good! 

Seek to grow in this for your good, and the good of your church family!

More on this in our podcasts and emails in the fall…

  1. Corporate Devotion To God & One Another

Loving one another is the second most important command in the Bible, and one that we can easily put aside as the culture demands a focus on self, not community.

To love in this way means we must experience God’s love, and then as an overflow of that offer it to one another.  May I encourage you to embrace what Jesus has done for you, and in that grace, offer love to those in our community.

Come longing to connect, and be used by God to accomplish His will for His glory in being a blessing to others at CBC.

My prayer and hope is that each of us would take this seriously, and that God’s love would be so real and vibrant in our lives, that all entering our presence when we are gathered would sense our love for God and one another, and be embraced in that place of safety and security as each of us lives our lives for Him by serving one another.

Be so devoted to God that you are dedicated to His bride above your own desires and distractions! 

  1. Desire To Be Used On Mission For Him

One of the books I read this summer is called, The Art Of Neighbouring, and it challenges Christians to be the best neighbours in their communities.  To see the place we live, the people we come in contact with as an opportunity to display the greatness of Jesus! 

This is a privilege and a responsibility that so often we ignore.  In the past 100 years or so, much of evangelism has been farmed out to the experts, and eventually failed at truly engaging and reaching people for Jesus.  May we embrace His call on our lives to be His ambassadors, and instead of farming this out, live in the fullness of the Spirit in our communities so that others will see Him in us, and want this treasure we have come to know!

Fall is coming!

Let us prepare our hearts, engage our feet, and live with our minds captivated by our Savior, so that together we see the best ministry year in the history of CBC.

Title:  The God On The Mountain:

Text:  1 Kings 18

  • Who is your HERO?  Why?
  • What does this story teach us about the faith of Elijah?
  • Why can we have confidence at all times if we are on God’s side?
  • How does the NT remember this story? 
  • Can one person actually make a difference?
  • If God is REAL and RELEVANT in your life, how will it show in this coming week?

Excited with you about a great time together this coming Sunday, and a powerful new ministry year in September. 

Your servant, because I am HIS, I exist to help you treasure Jesus above everything else in live a life of faith with me...

Pastor Rob


Reconnection Event

Saturday, August 13th / 4:00 – 8:30 PM / CBCAn afternoon of fun games and delicious food for everyone 18 and older to reconnect with friends and meet new people. We’ll be playing games like bocce, corn hole, and even have an 18-hole mini golf contest indoors! For dinner, we’ll be serving Filipino food. Register today in the foyer!

Baptism Sunday

Sun. August 14th / During ServiceWe will be witnessing a few people going through the waters of baptism. If you have put your faith in Christ and would like to be baptized, see one of our pastors today or contact our church office.

Tuesday Evening Prayer Meetings

Tuesdays / 7–8 PM / Fellowship HallOur elders will be leading prayer meetings every Tuesday throughout the summer. We will take a short look at passages in Isaiah and pray for each other, our church, city, country and world. 

How We Plan Our Worship Services

► The Cloverdale Baptist PodcastOur Worship Director, Johnny Markin breaks down the biblical structure of worship services and what goes on behind the scenes when planning Christ-centred and God-exalting services at CBC. Johnny holds a Doctor of Worship Studies degree and has led worship ministries in churches in the UK and Canada for more than 2 decades. He has written and recorded several albums of original music. Listen on your preferred podcast app!