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Giving Tuesday

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church

What is the impact of a life?

Jean Heard had her memorial service on November 26, 2022…. at a small church in Wetaskiwin, Alberta.  If you don’t know where that is, you are not alone…

Who is she you ask? 

This woman was faithful to God and His Gospel, her church was small, her role in the church long forgotten by many…but not by me…

Jean and her husband served their church, and had an opportunity to impact a teenage girl, and guide her into a relationship with Jesus.  This impacted her family, and mine.  This young lady eventually became my mom.

Mom loved Jesus with all her heart and is defined by her relationship with Jesus.  Her faithfulness has led her family to know and follow Jesus and her offspring includes four boys, two pastors and two who have served faithfully in local churches with their families. 

China, Kuwait, Sumatra, Cloverdale, Iran, Calgary, Moose-Jaw, Medicine Hat, Kazakhstan, Kenya, California, Texas, and countless people and countries have been blessed and drawn to faithfulness to Jesus through my mom’s impact on those she loves, and thus the legacy of Jean continues to explode around the world. 

Each person mom has impacted, and the impact that they have had is a part of the legacy of this faithful lady, who perhaps from the worlds standards does not leave a lot of treasure, but from my perspective, has managed to store up a lot in heaven.

I am not sure how big the celebration for her life was here on earth, but I will be among those who find her in eternity and say thank you for her faithfulness to God and her local church, in a small irrelevant part of the world, in a tiny church in a tiny town, used by God because she was faithful!

 What is in a life?  We will know better in eternity, but I am thankful that God takes people like Jean, and shines His grace through them to so many!

Jean Hurd thank you for loving God, and in your small service to the KING, impacting His Kingdom in such a massive way!


Today is Giving Tuesday…and a good reminder to be STEWARDS of what God has entrusted to us.

Stewards of our TIME…TREASURES…and TALENTS…

Reminder to be a blessing with who God has made you, and what God has given for you to invest.  There are many opportunities that are important, and as God leads you to invest, please make the local church your primary giving responsibility, and then would love if you would give above that to the conference for Iranian house church leaders that Lori and I are a part of.

THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD IN THIS WAY!  We are blessed by your faithfulness!

I hope today is a reminder of the what the small investment of a life can do to impact eternity, and to encourage us to invest what God has given us for Him and His work!  

As you give of your time and treasures and talents, what might seem insignificant, when blessed by God, will be multiplied, and as with Jean's life, who has impacted thousands through my mom, so might your impact be GREAT!  Choose to serve, choose to give, choose to live for Jesus, and I know that although on earth the celebrations might be smaller than you deserve, in GLORY they will be worthy of a daughter (or son) of the KING!

Sunday Is Coming:

Advent:  Why Christmas?  To Bear Witness To The Truth

Text:  John 18:33-40

  • Why do you think that Jesus was arrested?
  • How does this show us His KINGDOM is not of this world?
  • In verse 37 what does Jesus teach us about His Word finding a place in us?
  • What does it mean that we are to witness to the truth?
  • What does it mean to be set free by Jesus?
  • How are we set free?  How can we help others to be set free?
  • What opportunities can you pray for this Christmas to be a part of God's plan, and how can you strategically take advantage of them?
  •  How does knowing the TRUTH bring HOPE?

Honoured to bear witness to the truth with you,

Pastor Rob


Annual General Meeting (Cont.)

Wed. Nov. 30th / 7:00 pm / Sanctuary We will consider a special resolution to approve a Deacons’ request to carry forward $17,000 from 2021/22 Deacons Discretionary fund to the 2022/23 fiscal year.

Men’s Breakfast

Sat, Dec 3rd / 8:30 AM / Fellowship Hall Men’s Ministry invite men of all ages to come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together.

Women’s Christmas Event

Sat. Dec. 10th / 7-9pm. A fellowship and outreach event where we’ll be making a garland and sharing a gospel message. Refreshments will be provided. Visit the Women’s Ministry table in the foyer for details.

Young Adults Christmas Banquet

Friday, Dec. 16th / 6:00 pm / Fellow. Hall Join us for an evening of great food, fun table games, and lots of laughter as we celebrate the Christmas season. Dress code: semi-formal. Register here >

Special Offering

Pastor Rob and his wife, Lori, will be having the privilege of supporting and ministering to house church leaders from Iran on behalf of CBC in early 2023. As a church, we want to fund those joining them from Iran, so we encourage you to generously give in support of these Christians in need. Please mark your gift with TWR conference.

129 OCC Filled Shoeboxes!

Thank you for 129 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes packed this year, including 80 shoeboxes packed by the Children’s Ministry. We more than doubled last year’s number!
