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Growing Deeper so We Can Impact Wider

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

We live in a troubled world!

The source of those troubles depends on who you listen too.  Some think it is global warming, or Russia, or Christian values.  Others think it is politicians and conspiracies, or the left or the right...maybe even our history...

What you decide is the source of the trouble shapes how you work through the solutions.  

We agree that the world is troubled, and where we are unique from the world, and even many who name the name of Jesus, is that we say the troubles are from sin, and Satan.  Or perhaps, the battle we have is with the flesh, the devil and the world. 

This means the solution is found in know Jesus through the Gospel, and being a part of His body (the local church) in a healthy way.  The problem will not be solved with a new Prime Minister (or President), or the right decisions for the environment (whatever they might be).  The problem is solved with a loyalty to God and His Word, and engaging with the local church in unity for His glory, this is key to spiritual battle, and current victory and unity.

The church is God’s plan A, and there is no plan B.  The danger we have as we seek to live in the world, but not of the world is that we can begin to think in the pattern of the world, rather than the WORD, and engage like the world, not the WORD.

I am so thankful for God’s Word, and His call for us to ENGAGE with Him and His people, for His glory.  This is harder than joining the world in the fight against the troubles, harder than marching or mandating, it comes from an experience of God’s love and a devotion to God’s life through us.

We are called to be in the world but not of the world.

So, if that is true, and God says it is, how do we get to this level of engagement in the midst of the troubles in our own lives and world?

  1. Know The God Of The Bible
  2. Experience The Gospel
  3. Engage In Love With The Local Church
  4. Serve In The Local Church
  5. Live On Gospel Mission For God In The World
  6. Glorify God & Live A Thankful Life

That seems like a lot, yet with the Holy Spirit’s help, it is not only possible…if you are truly saved it is probable. 

So, where should you begin as we start this ministry year together?

The obvious and most important answer is with a biblical view of God, and a radical experience of His Gospel.  Tozer is right, "what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us", and so many have a cultural God, not a biblical God!

So, we want to do this journey together, so we want you to ask some questions in your families, Growth Groups, and lives:

  1. How does Romans 11:33-36 and Isaiah 40 help us see who the One True God is?
  2. When you think about God, what comes into your mind?
  3. How can you actively seek to live in the presence of God (Psalm 16:8)?
  4. What do you see as the greatest troubles in the world today?
    1. What is the source of those troubles?
    2. How is the Gospel and the Greatness of who God is the SOLUTION to those problems?
  5. What is the Gospel?
    1. Take the time to understand it and share it with your own heart, and the people you are working on this engagement problem with.
    2. How can you live in a way that shows that you practically, “preach the Gospel to yourself every day?”
  6. Why is a your view of the God and the Gospel so essential in understanding how to be a part of the solution?
  7. What can you do in the coming year to engage with God and His people (local church) more effectively this year?

For this series, I will include questions like this in each weekly update, and I would love for you to discuss them as Growth Groups and with your families and/or friends so that we are impacted by God’s Word through His Spirit in His community.

Please commit to do this, and if we all do, this will be the GREATEST ministry year of your/our life!

Pastor Rob

ENGAGE:  Stay aware of what is going on in our church family!

  • Discipleship Hour begins this Sunday, September 17, for all ages...there will be a missions report from our trip to Newfoundland with Mile One.
  • Starting September 24, I will be teaching on Cultural Chaos, Christ's Response, in the Youth Room; and Ken will be leading a Foundations course in the board room.  We would love everyone to take advantage of these classes and join us in growing deeper in their faith and desire to please Jesus in, "a world gone mad".

Reminder:  Pray for teachers and students as they head back to class!

Sunday Is Coming:

Pastor Stephen Bray is preaching, and will be working through John 17, please join us and read John 17 to prepare your hearts for this coming Sunday.




Ministry Info Sunday

Sunday, September 10th / 9:30 AM / CBC We’ll be hosting our annual Ministry Info Sunday, where you’ll get to know more about our different ministries and learn how you can get involved. We’ll also be serving delicious cinnamon buns and coffee, so you won’t want to miss out!

Discipleship Classes

Starting Sept. 17th / 9:00 AM / For All Ages We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all. That’s why every Sunday at 9:00am, we have an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Learn more >

Women’s Ministries Newsletter

Look for details about this month’s events, notes of encouragement, and opportunities for service in our monthly newsletter. If you didn’t receive it by email, please let the office know. Paper copies available in the foyer.

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

  • Breakfast: Saturday, Sept. 16th at 8:30am. Men of all ages, come enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together.
  • Bible StudyRegistration is now open!

Understanding the Times

▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast How should Christians respond to issues happening in our culture and society? Are we fighting the wrong war? Pastor Rob kicks off our new podcast series “Understanding the Times”, where we’ll interact with pressing issues believers face in a world that has distorted the truth. Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts,  Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as well as on our website.

We’re Hiring!

Pastor of Discipleship: Our search committee is looking for a candidate with a heart to see people grow in the faith and knowledge of the Lord. Learn more >

