To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:
It is good to be a part of the family of God.
In fact, that is where we can get the encouragement and energy to carry on in the midst of the chaotic world that we live in. God has given us the privilege of living together in community, and this is more and more important as we see the world drifting away from what God values.
In these updates we have been discussing the kind of culture we want as a church, with culture being understood as defining who we are when we are not thinking all that hard about it. Our DNA as it were, that produces everything else and is a part of our passion and heart. It is something we are, and we want to GROW IN.
Foundationally we have seen that we need desperately to have a consistent GOSPEL ORIENTATION, as well as WORD SATURATION.
If we think in conformity to the world, then much of what we talk about in terms of what God desires for us will make no sense (Romans 12:1-2). Being a Christian will include a whole new way of thinking! The right foundation is key to building a solid
We talked about a culture of discipleship last week, and that is the most important of our cultural desires as it overflows and impacts everything else. Having Christ formed in us (Galatians 4:19) is the most important pursuit of our community of faith. We want to be a first love devotion people! We want to be driven and defined by our relationship with Jesus, and think of Him first and most. To be found, IN CHRIST!
Our second greatest pursuit as a culture is to love one another. To be a community where we experience God’s love (Ephesians 3:14-21), and choose to love as an overflow of that! This is to be the uniform of the Christian (John 13:34-35), and will set us apart from the world around us!
The world asks to be loved, and is egocentric in the love that they give. The Christian initiates love, and asks who they can love in Jesus name. It is what we are to seek, ABOVE ALL (1 Peter 4:11), and authenticates our love for Jesus (1 John 4:7-12).
So how do we do this, what steps can we take to make sure individually and corporately that we have this ever increasing culture.
- Know You Are Loved:
This is the key to having the energy and joy in pursuing the kind of love life that God wants us to have. This experience of God’s love is key to living a life of love!
- See The Love Of God:
God’s love is a model for us, and we are called to be imitators of God in this (Ephesians 5:1-2). You can’t do this if you don’t know it. So our hearts experience God’s love, and our minds know of the richness of what this means.
This allows us to imitate Him in our lives of love! We see the demonstration of His love and seek to understand it more and more so that we can choose to love this way (Romans 5:6-11).
- Choose To Love His Way:
This should be a supernatural impact of the Spirit’s work in us, but often in our battle with the world, flesh and demonic realm, we lose sight of choosing self-sacrificial love. This is the action part of becoming who God wants us to be.
This means we fight down the desire to see others initiate and we take the first steps to show the love of Jesus. We die to self, and choose to seek to show others His love through ours. If others don't respond as we would want, we choose to keep loving in Jesus name.
In this way we really become the ones who love because we are loved, not because we are getting something from those we love in Jesus name. We show the difference from the world most profoundly in holiness and LOVE, self sacrifical choice of God's best for others!
So this Sunday (and beyond), pray for the opportunity to love someone in Jesus name who needs it. This week, send a card or email (even a text) to encourage someone that you believe God has placed on your heart to love. In fact do way more than one, and make it a WAY OF LIFE, so that we become who God wants us to be.
If each of us has love antenna’s up on Sunday’s and beyond, we will be the church that Jesus wants us to be. If each of us comes ready to experience God’s love, and overflow that love to others, our ever growing reputation will be one of LOVE!
In complete dependence on God, let us discipline our lives together to be disciples of Jesus, who are living lives of love! Who see the privilege and opportunity of choosing to love for God and His glory, and initiate and hold a love that displays His.
Sunday Is Coming:
Pray for someone to love on, in Jesus name!
Come, knowing you are a part of the plan of God to make us a loving church family!
Preparing your heart for God’s Word:
Title: Be Whose You Are: Identity
Text: Colossians 3:1-4
Take the time to read all of Colossians 3. This is one of the richest chapters in the Bible, and one that is a blessing to all who hear and apply.
- When you are coasting, what comes into your mind?
- Is there a way you can bring Scripture or Christ to mind when you are coasting?
- What does it mean to be IN CHRIST?
- What does it mean to be raised with Christ?
- How can you choose to set your mind on things above? What are these things?
- How does Jesus return motivate us to keep our eyes fixed on the things that truly matter?
Thankful for the family of God,
Pastor Rob
Women's Breakfast
Sat. May 11th / 9:00 AM / Fellow. Hall Ladies, join us for a wonderful breakfast and great fellowship as we hear from Robyn Dueck on serving the Lord. Childcare will be available for $2/child—please let us know if you're interested.
Missions Evening
Sun. May 12th / 7:00pm / Fellow. Hall We'll be hearing from our missionary Pierre Jutras on his ministry work with FEB in Poland.
Kids Summer Camps
Summer 2024: Soccer Camp & Day Camp Hey parents! We're so excited to share with you that this summer we're once again organizing two summer camps! Register today >
Discipleship Classes Summer Break
We had our final Discipleship Classes this morning for children, youth, and adults! We'll be back in the fall with new and exciting classes for everyone.
Summer Missions Trip
August 17th – 25th, 2024 We're sending a team led by Pastor Dwight to share the gospel in St. John’s, NL through a kids soccer camp in August. Support the team now >
Church Custodial Position
We’re looking for a custodian for general cleaning duties. Learn more >