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Growing Deeper So We Can Impact Wider

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

MISSION POSSIBLE.  We can live for Jesus in a confident humble victorious manner in a broken world.  So many are falling by the wayside and some times it feels like mission impossible! 

The MISSION He has given us is POSSIBLE in His strength for His glory, so be encouraged as we journey together learning how to live as though God is Real and Relevant…because HE IS!!

Join us in living on MISSION POSSIBLE!

One of the areas that our elders want to encourage us in is in our personal spiritual depth.  We noticed that a crisis in our world that was at times inconvenient did not always display the joy and love that God wants in His people.

I asked a number of pastors in my world what they thought was the most significant problem COVID put on display, and one I respect said, “me”.  His meaning, we are living in the flesh discouraged and anxious rather than in the Spirit, unified and all in.  I think that has been a serious problem, we as a church have not shown the beauty and treasure of Jesus and the Gospel that we should during these times. 

My brother who was in another country (Indonesia) asked me why Christians in North America were responding so horribly to this crisis.  I am not sure he was well informed, but I do know our reputation as followers of Jesus has taken a hit in these times...and I think the worst is yet to come...

So how can we prepare for what is to come?  We are to be in the world and not of the world, and in history, and in the Bible’s teaching this will mean opportunities to show our loyalty to Jesus and one another in persecution and suffering.  How can we learn to be James 1 people, or I suppose…JESUS people?

By far the most important way to rejoice and represent Jesus well in difficult times is to have a spiritual depth that supersedes what is happening on the surface!  So how do we prepare for what is to come?

How can we live for Jesus in these last days?  What can we do to grow deeper?

There are five disciplines of grace that if we pursue consistently will grow us deeper in our relationship with Jesus so that we are READY for what is to come.

  1. Preach The Gospel To Ourselves Every Day
  2. Pursue Word Saturation
  3. Pray In Pursue Of Intimate Relationship With God
  4. People Committed To One Another In A Local Church
  5. Person Of Jesus Kept Central & In Focus

If we discipline these five pursuits consistently in our lives, we will grow deep enough that we can stay loyal to Jesus and His bride through anything that comes our way!

Each of them deserves a full book, but over the next few weeks we will look at them individually and encourage you to take your walk with God seriously enough to live in the power of the Spirit with the discipline that comes from making Him a priority! 

Take the time this week to review all five of them with people in your family, or friend group, and discuss what you think they might mean, and how you are doing in your disciplined pursuit of them. 

If each of us grows deeper in our walk with God, our unity there, and our joy in Him will hold us together as one as we seek to glorify God in a broken world with an irresistible joy and peace, and a passion to live on His Mission.

Sunday Is Coming:

What a joy to see new people and a regathering of so many as we seek to rebuild our family and live together for Him.

Our series as we kick off is MISSION POSSIBLE.

Last Sunday we saw that we are to live our lives with a PASSION FOR GOD’S GLORY.  To live our lives in a radically God-centred manner so that our lives display that He is our greatest treasure and worth trusting in always!

This Sunday is our second in this series, and as you prepare your hearts to hear from God’s Word, here are some things that can help you…

Title:  Mission Possible:  Obedience

Text:  Psalm 19

Read Psalm 19.

  • What stands out to you in this great text?
  • Why is God’s Word a treasure beyond gold?
  • How does this reality show in how we use our time?
  • How is God’s Word sweeter than honey?
  • How does this show in our pursuit of its sweetness?
  • Why do you think so few of us value the Bible as we should?
  • Jesus gives clear warnings that we are to be those who hear and obey God’s Word…how can we learn to live this way (Matthew 7:21-27)?
  • What changes do you need to make in your life if you are to be living on MISSION POSSIBLE and be WORD SATURATED?


A Fellow Mission Possible Servant,

Pastor Rob

Much is going on in our church family, please keep informed, and join us in encouraging one another and following Jesus with us!



Discipleship Classes

Sundays / 9:00 AM / for all ages
We believe in the importance of sound biblical education for all. That’s why starting next Sunday at 9am, we’ll be having an hour of teaching and discipling for all children, youth, and adults, where we can all grow in our understanding of the scriptures and the Christian life. Learn more >

NewComers’ Luncheon

Sunday, Sept. 18th / 12:00 pm / Fellowship Hall
If you started attending our church in the last 6 months, you’re invited to join us at the NewComers’ Luncheon next Sunday after the service. We’ll be sharing who we are, what we stand for, and make you aware of all our ministries here. Pastor Rob will also be hosting a Q&A for any questions you may have! All ages are welcome and no registration is required.

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 25th / During Service
If you would like to be baptized, please talk to one of our pastors or contact the church office.

Church Membership Class

Starting Sept. 25th / 9:00 AM / Room 246
Join this 6-week course where we’ll learn what it means to be a healthy Christian and explore the doctrinal beliefs of CBC. Visit the Ministry Centre today for registration and more details. Learn more >

Women’s Ministry Events

Join a Growth Group!

An opportunity to be a part of community and grow in your faith together. Sign up today!

Podcast Q&A Series

► The Cloverdale Baptist PodcastWe’re starting a question and answer series on The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast. Send us your questions and we’ll answer them in future episodes!

