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Resurrection Season Is Upon Us

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:

We are almost out of March…February and March are often seen as the months where the highest percentage of people struggle with discouragement and depression.  Many who struggle are not even aware of this, in fact some who struggle find themselves a little sad, negative, and hurt or hurtful to others.  While March Madness is going on in the background, many struggle with depression, disorientation, or just general grumpiness.

It is good to be aware of this personally so we can battle it.

It is good for us to be aware of this as a community so we can encourage one another and battle this.

So, what can we do?

  1. Keep our eyes on the glory of God and richness of the Gospel so that our hearts are thankful.
  2. Remember that Jesus is where we are to go for satisfaction and joy, and that if we go anywhere else it will lead to further emptiness…so GO TO HIM! (Psalm 90:10)
  3. Be aware of your fleeting thoughts, and if they are negative…confess them…if you are short with people, ask for their forgiveness…and seek to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). People that are struggling in these times tend to be more negative…so start your thoughts with thanksgiving to God, and seek to stay there.

How do we help others?

  1. Awareness: Many around you are hurting, and some hide it better than others, but awareness will help you be positive and building in all of your speech, especially at these times (Ephesians 4:29).
  2. Ask: If you notice someone in your sphere of influence, ask them how you can serve them, or build into their lives.  Sometimes just noticing can make a massive difference!
  3. Appeal to God:…I suppose living in the presence of God would mean we pray for everyone we come in contact with, but especially in these months…pray that they would know God’s love, experience His grace, and that you could be a part of helping them experience God richly.
  4. Always Thankful: Take the time to obey the thanksgiving commands in the Bible, and you will discover that it chases away a lot of the distractions that can oppress.

If your sadness persists…get help!  If you see someone else overwhelmed in sadness, help them get help!

Starting this week, we move as a church into focusing on the Resurrection Season.

  • Pray you would experience His grace richly this season.
  • Pursue those in your sphere of influence for Gospel opportunities.
  • Practice His presence as much as possible in your everyday life (Psalm 16:8; Matthew 28:20).

Sunday Is Coming: 


Text:  Luke 19:28-40

Preparing the eyes of your heart to hear from God:

  • How does this event prepare us for the week that is to come?
  • Why do you think God planned this day from eternity past?
  • How can we make sure that the praise from our lips is authentic?
  • Why does Jesus weep in verse 41?
  • How should this cause us to weep?
  • How does this text, and its fulfilment of Scripture help us to realize we can trust God?
  • What do we learn from this about the KING and His KINGDOM?
  • What do we learn about a proper response to this KING?

It is a privilege to partner with you in this Gospel in this community.  May our God use us this season to encourage those in our sphere of influence as those who carry His love, and draw people to Him as those who impact with His Gospel.

Pastor Rob



Summer Missions Trip 2023

We are sending a team to share the gospel in St. John’s, NL through a kid’s soccer camp at the end of August. Lord willing, this will provide Kilbride Community Church with more connections in their community and avenues to share the Gospel. Learn more >

Men’s Breakfast

Sat. April 1st / 8:30 AM / Fellow. Hall The Men’s Ministry invite men of all ages to come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and spiritual food together.

Seniors’ Lunch

Wed. April 5th / 11:30am / Fellow. Hall Tickets are on sale for the next two weeks. Our special guest is Dennis Enns, an accomplished entertainer and pianist. For more information, contact Pastor Ray.

Good Friday Service

Fri. April 7th / 10:30am / Sanctuary A special service where we will reflect on the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus and partake in communion together—elements will be found in the foyer. Please note that child care won’t be provided during the service.

Maximizing the Resurrection Season

▶ The Cloverdale Baptist Podcast This time of the year, the church calendar focuses on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. How can we as Christians take full advantage of this season to grow in our love for God and align ourselves with the mission He has given us in this world? Listen today on our website or your preferred podcast app!