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Pentecost: The Birthday of the Church

To God’s Beloved At Cloverdale Baptist Church:


What does that bring to mind for you?

If you know your OT well, it might bring to mind the Feast Of Weeks…a celebration of the grain harvest, and fifty days after the remembering of what God did in gaining victory over Egypt (Passover).

If you know your NT well, you will see this word as a reminder of the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the birth of the church and its centrality to the life of all who love Jesus.  It signals the beginning of the church age, and the joy of knowing we can live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit, Piper reminds us that we would have…:

  • no new birth,
  • no confession of the lordship of Christ,
  • no victory over sin,
  • no progress in sanctification,
  • no spiritual wisdom,
  • no spiritual gifts,
  • and no resurrection from the dead.

This is an important reminder for us of the joy of living with God as our HELPER (John 14:16).

For us to develop the kind of culture we want to as a church family, it is essential that we walk in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  In fact the only way that we will be successful as Jesus AMBASSADORS is that we are filled with His Spirit.

We want to be a church that lives on mission for God.  That overflows our love for Him, by sharing with others how great He is, and the goodness of the Gospel.  We want our individual and corporate witness to be powerful in pointing others to Jesus.

So this weekend, as we celebrate the birthday of the church, may this remind us not only of the importance of community (the local church), of serving the bride of Jesus, but also of the joy of knowing we can do this in the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  May we rejoice that God has made us His instruments of Gospel invitation, and serve these purposes in the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

We are His witnesses, with His power, for His glory!  So be confident, and live on mission for God in the power He provides (Acts 1:8).

Sunday Is Coming:

Title:  The Work Of The Holy Spirit

Text:  Acts 2:14-41

As you read the text and prepare your hearts, I think for this Sunday, the best way that you can prepare is in thanksgiving and awareness of the Spirit’s work in your life.

What do you think has changed the most in your life through the work of the Spirit?

When you are witnessing, how can you remind yourself that you are doing this with HELP?

What motivates you to share the Gospel with people in your sphere of influence?

  • If you are not sharing your faith, what are the reasons you think you have that you avoid this?

Reminder that we are looking for a place to live for our intern(s) that we are seeking to help grow in their abilities and minister to us.  If you have a room, or house for a number of months, or the ability to help us, please contact us at 

We have found a place that will work for some of the time, but still need help, so if you are willing, please let the office know.

Walking in the SPIRIT with you and for you,

Pastor Rob



Church-Wide Pig Roast Lunch

May 26th / After Service / Fellow. Hall A great way to kick off the summer with a delicious meal and the opportunity to meet new people and connect with others in our church family. All are welcome, you won’t want to miss out!

Kids Summer Camps

Summer 2024: Soccer Camp & Day Camp Hey parents! We're so excited to share with you that this summer we're once again organizing two summer camps! Register today >

Women's Retreat Registration

November 1st–3rd / Cedar springs, WA This 3-day retreat will be focusing on building gospel friendships, joined by special guest speaker Bronwyn Short, with fun activities and time to relax. Childcare will also be offered to mothers with infants. Registration is opening on June 2nd both online and in-person.

Langley Food Bank Needs You!

The Langley Food Bank is a Christian organization supported by our church and they're in need of summer volunteers! If you would like to help them serve the community this summer, please contact them at

Summer Missions Trip

August 17th – 25th, 2024 We're sending a team led by Pastor Dwight to share the gospel in St. John’s, NL through a kids soccer camp in August. Support the team now >

Church Custodial Position

We’re looking for a custodian for general cleaning duties. Learn more >

